Thursday, December 20, 2012

How to Use a Saved Template for Pivot Charts

1. Click 'Start' and 'All Programs.'
2. Navigate to the 'Microsoft Office' folder, click it once to display the folder contents and then click 'Microsoft Excel' to launch the program.
3. Click the 'Office' button in the upper left corner, and then select 'New' to create a new document. Or click 'Open' to locate and open an existing Excel spreadsheet.
4. Click and hold your mouse on the uppermost cell containing your target data, and then drag the mouse until all of your target data has been selected.
5. Click the 'Insert' tab at the top of the screen. Then click on the 'PivotTable' icon, and select the 'PivotChart' option.
6. Select whether you would like the PivotChart to be inserted into the existing worksheet or into a new worksheet. Click 'OK.'
7. Locate the 'PivotChart Tools' section at the top of the screen, and click the 'Design' tab in this section.
8. Click the 'Change Chart Type' icon at the top of the screen.
9. Select the 'Templates' option in the left column, select your saved template and click the 'OK' button.

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