Monday, August 26, 2013

How to Select a Cell Without Deselecting

1. Add one cell at a time to previously selected cells, without deselecting any of these previously selected cells, by pressing and holding 'Ctrl' while you use the left mouse button to add new cells.
2. Add a range of cells to previously selected cells without deselecting any of these previously selected cells by pressing and holding 'Shift' while you drag the left mouse button to add a new range of cells.
3. Add more cells to an existing selection of cells by turning on the 'Add to Selection' feature by pressing 'Shift' 'F8,' and then using your mouse to select any nonadjacent cells.
4. Turn off this 'Add to Selection' feature by pressing 'Shift' 'F8' a second time, and Excel will revert to the default cell selection technique.

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