Friday, October 28, 2011

How to Use Excel Effectively

Learning Excel
1. Open the program, and from the Help menu (the blue '?' button), access You'll be asked to identify or let Microsoft identify the installed versions of Office products on your system. A browser will open.
2. Select the 'Tutorial' option on the help screen, which now displays in the Internet browser.
3. Select the first tutorial offered, explaining the differences between Excel 2000, 2003 and Excel 2007 and 2010. Follow onscreen instructions and lessons. Learning the improvements to the newer versions is key to efficiently using Excel.
4. Select 'Options' from the Office Button in Excel 2007 and the File tab in Excel 2010 at the bottom of the window and make changes to the default options to make the basic program operation as personally efficient as possible for its regular use. In both versions, the Quick Access Toolbar can be customized to place buttons for commonly used commands. In Excel 2010, the Ribbon can also be customized.
5. Select 'Backup file when saving' In the 'Save' tab. This is unchecked by default. Back-up files are critically important, especially if converting from Excel 2000 or 2003 to the new versions. When the active workbook is saved, the older copy will be renamed with an 'wbk' file extension, allowing the file to be used again if the 'xlsx' file becomes corrupted or damaged.
6. Customize the Quick Access Bar and the Ribbon with commands used frequently. The Quick Access Bar, if placed below the ribbon (default is above ribbon) and customizing options resembles the tool bars that would have been used in earlier versions of Excel.
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How to Skip Printing Rows That Have a Cell Value of Zero in MS Excel 2003

1. Open the Excel file you want to print.
2. Select 'Data' from the menu bar, then select 'Filter' and follow the right arrow to select 'AutoFilter' from that menu. Each of your column headings will now have buttons with down arrows next to them.
3. Click on the arrow button in the column that contains zeroes you want to suppress. For example, let's say your spreadsheet lists employee names in column A and the number of hours they worked in column B. You don't want to print any rows where the employee worked zero hours. You would click on the column B arrow.
4. Click on '(Custom...)' from the drop-down box to bring up the Custom AutoFilter setting. In the drop-down box under your column B heading, select 'does not equal' and in the empty drop-down box to the right of it, select '0.'
5. Click 'OK.' Your list is now filtered and rows with zeroes are hidden.
6. Print your document.
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How to Convert True

1. Click the 'Developer' tab at the top of an Excel worksheet. Then click the 'Insert' drop-down menu in the 'Controls' group.
2. Click the check box image in the 'Form Controls' section of the drop-down menu. This changes your mouse pointer to a cross.
3. Click anywhere in the worksheet to insert the check box with a description next to it.
4. Right-click the description next to the check box, then left-click the description until you see a blinking text cursor.
5. Press 'Backspace' or 'Delete' to erase the description that is automatically shown. Then type your own description. Click outside the description area in a blank cell when you are finished. For example, type 'Sales quota met?' as a description.
6. Right-click the check box, and click 'Format Control' on the pop-up menu to bring up a 'Format Control' window.
7. Click the 'Control' tab at the top of the window.
8. Click in the 'Cell link' text box and type the cell to which you want to link the check box. For example, click in the cell link text box and type 'A1.' Cell A1 will now show either 'TRUE' or 'FALSE' depending on whether the check box is checked or unchecked.
9. Click 'OK' to close the 'Format Control' window.
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How to Make Bingo Cards in Excel

Open a new, blank Excel worksheet. Select cells 'A1' through 'E6.' Use your mouse by clicking on the first cell and dragging down and across while holding the mouse button, or use your keyboard by clicking inside the first cell, holding down the 'Shift' key and using the arrow keys on your keyboard.
Click the 'Border' dropdown, which is on the 'Formatting' toolbar in Excel 2003 or earlier and on the 'Home' tab of the ribbon in the 'Font' group in Excel 2007. Click the 'All Borders' option to apply borders to all of your selected cells.
Keep the cells selected and change the height and width of the cells. In Excel 2003 or earlier, go to the 'Format' menu, point to 'Row' and choose 'Height.' In Excel 2007, go to the 'Format' dropdown from the 'Home' tab and select 'Row Height.' Enter '90' for the height and click 'OK.' Go back and select 'Column Width,' enter the number '15' and click 'OK.'
Center the cell selection on your spreadsheet. In Excel 2003 or earlier, click 'File' and go to 'Page Setup,' and then click the 'Margins' tab. In Excel 2007, go to the 'Page Layout' tab of the ribbon, click on 'Margins' and choose 'Custom Margins.' Select 'Center on Page Horizontally' and 'Center on Page Vertically,' and then click 'OK.'
Click on cell '4C.' Go to the 'Insert' menu in Excel 2003 or earlier, point to 'Picture' and select 'AutoShape.' In Excel 2007, go to the 'Insert' tab and select 'Shapes.' Choose a shape for the 'Free' space and insert it into cell '4C.' Right-click the shape and choose 'Add Text,' then type the word 'Free.' Right-click again and choose 'Format AutoShape.' Add color to the shape on the 'Colors and Lines' tab, and go to the 'Font' tab to change the font, if desired.
Select cells 'A1' through 'E1.' Right-click and choose 'Format Cells.' Go to the 'Font' tab and choose a large, bold font size and color, such as 'Arial Rounded Bold,' size '24' in red. Go to the 'Alignment' tab and select 'Center' in both the 'Horizontal' and 'Vertical' dropdowns. Click 'OK.' Enter an upper case 'B' into cell 'A1,' 'I' into 'B1' and so on, entering the word 'BINGO.'
Save the bingo card template. When you are ready to use it, enter the numbers, letters, words or symbols you want to use in random order, making each card unique. Print them out on cardstock or heavy paper.
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How to Run a Pivot Table

1. Click and hold the mouse button over the top-left cell in the data that you want to create a table out of. Drag the mouse to the bottom-right cell of the data and release the mouse button.
2. Select the 'Insert' tab at the top of the screen. Then click the 'PivotTable' button located at the left side of the toolbar. Click 'OK' in the window that opens up. You will be taken to a new page that contains your PivotTable.
3. Place a check mark next to the fields in the field list that you want to compare. The field list is the window to the right of the Excel sheet. It contains one long space for your different fields, and four smaller ones that correspond to parts of the PivotTable. When you place the check marks, Excel will move the field into one of the smaller boxes and your table will start to take shape.
4. Drag and Drop the fields into the boxes where you want them. The 'Row Labels' box will put the data in a column on the left side of the PivotTable. The 'Column Labels' box will put the data in a row across the top. The 'Values' box will put the data into the middle of the PivotTable, sorting it based on the row and column labels. The 'Report Filter' box will allow you to filter the entire PivotTable by the fields in the box. Use the labels to set up your data, and put the data that you want to analyze in the 'Values' box.
5. Click on the field in the 'Value' list and choose 'Value Field Settings.' You can now change how the PivotTable will report the data form that field. It defaults to a count, essentially a '1' if there is data and a '0' if there isn't. You can change it to 'Sum,' where it will add the values together, or several other mathematical functions.
6. Use the 'Refresh' button in the toolbar if your original data has changed. Excel essentially takes a snapshot of the data when it creates the PivotTable. If you change the data, you have to refresh the PivotTable before you will see the changes. Likewise, if you need to change the columns in your original data field, press the 'Change Data Source' button and you can choose a new data set.
7. Click on the blue question mark in the upper-right corner to access the Microsoft Online Help for Excel 2010. From there you can learn about all the other features and functions of PivotTables. While the majority of what you will do in PivotTables will involve simply move fields around, as you get more advanced there are a ton of options to make more complicated tables.
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Wednesday, October 26, 2011

How to Fix Circular Formulas in Excel

How to Fix Circular Formulas in Excel--Directly Referenced Cell
To demonstrate this type of circular formula and the resolution of the problem a simple bank reconciliation spreadsheet is used. Set up an Excel spreadsheet as follows: in row 1 label Column A: Balance, Column B: Debit, Column C: Credit, Column D: To, Column E: Reference, Column F: Date and Column G: Cleared Bank.
In row 2 enter: a $500 credit in the 'Credit' column, 'Deposit to open account' in the 'To' column, and a date in the 'Date' column. In the 'Balance' column on row 3 enter the following formula: =A3 C2-B2, with the intent that this formula would take the prior balance, add any deposits and subtract any debits. When you enter this formula you will get an error message stating that a circular reference has been created. You can either select 'OK' or 'Help' to fix the reference yourself or 'Cancel' to ignore the circular reference. If you select 'OK' or 'Help' a pop-up window will open that will give you more information about circular references.
In addition to the pop-up window that provides more information about circular references a toolbar opens when you select 'OK' or 'Help.' This is the Circular Reference toolbar. If you select the drop-down arrow on the toolbar it will show all circular references in the current workbook. You can go directly to the circular reference by selecting it from the drop-down list.
Fixing the circular reference can be done by first selecting the cell and then placing your cursor in the formula bar. This color codes the formula to the actual cells on the worksheet that are referenced in the formula. In this example, you can see that the cell A3 references itself in the formula.
The algebraic equivalent to this would be the formula: x = x y - z, which would only hold true in one instance, where y and z = zero. To correct this formula, change the formula in A3 to reference cell A2 instead of cell A3. This can be done by typing directly into the formula bar, dragging the colored border that is around cell A3 so that it is around cell A2 or retyping the formula.
How to Fix Circular Formulas in Excel--Indirectly Referenced Cell
6. To demonstrate indirectly referenced circular formulas, we have simply added a column to the practice worksheet and labeled it 'Interest Paid.' In row 2 of that column enter the following formula: =A3*0.03, with .03 representing interest paid on the balance. In row 3 in the Balance column enter the following formula: =A2 C2-B2 D2. The algebraic equivalent to this would be the formula: x = w y z (x *.03).
When you enter this formula you will get an error message stating that a circular reference has been created. You can either select 'OK' or 'Help' to fix the reference yourself or 'Cancel' to ignore the circular reference. If you select 'OK' or 'Help' a pop-up window will open that will give you more information about circular references.
In addition to the pop-up window that provides more information about circular references a toolbar opens when you select 'OK' or 'Help.' This is the Circular Reference toolbar. If you select the drop-down arrow on the toolbar it will show all circular references in the current workbook. You can go directly to the circular reference by selecting it from the drop-down list. Since this is an indirectly referenced circular formula an arrow will point from the cell that has the circular reference back to the cell that refers to that cell. In this example, the arrow points from A3 back to D2, indicating that A3 refers to D2 for its calculation and that D2 refers to A3 for its calculation.
9. To correct this formula, change the formula in D2 to reference cell A2 instead of cell A3. This can be done by typing directly into the formula bar, dragging the colored border that is around cell A3 so that it is around cell A2 or retyping the formula.
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How to Change Hyperlink Font in Excel 2003

1. Run Excel 2003 and open the spreadsheet that contains the hyperlink you wish to edit.
2. Click the cell above the cell that contains your hyperlink, then press 'Enter' to move down to your hyperlink cell. Doing so allows you to select the hyperlink cell without clicking on it and opening the link in a Web or file browser.
3. Click 'View' in the File menu, then click 'Toolbars' and 'Formatting' to activate the text formatting toolbar. Skip this step if the text formatting toolbar is already activated.
4. Click the 'Font' drop-down menu located in the Formatting toolbar and select the font that you wish to use for the hyperlink.
5. Click the 'Font Size' drop-down menu to choose the hyperlink's font size.
6. Click the 'Bold,' 'Italic' or 'Underline' icons to apply font formatting to the hyperlink.
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Tuesday, October 25, 2011

How to Import Data From Multiple Spreadsheets

1. Open a new blank workbook. Begin the installation process by clicking the 'file' tab and selecting 'Options.' Select 'Customize Ribbon' in the 'Excel Options' dialog.
2. Select 'All Commands' in the 'Choose commands from:' drop-down menu. In the left-hand pane, select 'Compare and Merge Workbooks' and click 'Add.' You will be given the option of which ribbon you want to place the new function. Click 'OK.'
3. Put all of the worksheets and workbooks you want to merge into one folder in your hard drive. Locate the 'Compare and Merge Workbooks' function, which will have been saved in the ribbon of your choosing. Click it, and then select which workbooks you want to merge.
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How to Delete Links in Excel 2003

1. Launch Microsoft Excel 2003. Click on 'File' and select 'Open.' Locate the Excel file on your computer that contains links you want to remove. Double-click the file to open it in Excel.
2. Press the 'Alt' key and 'F11' key on your keyboard simultaneously. The visual basic editor will appear.
3. Click on 'Insert' and select 'Module.' A new window will appear, allowing you to input visual basic coding.
4. Copy and paste the following code into the editor:Sub RemoveHyperlinks()'Remove all hyperlinks from the active sheetActiveSheet.Hyperlinks.DeleteEnd Sub
5. Click on 'File' and select 'Close and Return to Microsoft Excel.' The visual basic editor will close.
6. Click on 'Tools' in Microsoft Excel and hover over 'Macro.' Scroll over and click on 'Macros.' A dialog box will appear listing all saved Macros for Excel 2003.
7. Select 'RemoveHyperlinks' from the list of macros and click 'Run.' Excel will run the macro and automatically delete all hyperlinks from the spreadsheet.
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How to Rotate to Landscape in Excel Charts

1. Click on the vertical axis.
2. Click on the 'Format' tab under Chart Tools.
3. Click 'Format Selection.' Make sure that the vertical axis is displayed in the selection box. If it isn't, click on the axis.
4. Click on the 'Categories in reverse order' box. This reverses the order of categories and places the vertical values in the horizontal axis and vice versa.
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How to Apply Significant Figures in Excel

1. Double-click the Microsoft Excel 2010 file icon to which you want to apply significant figures to open it. Alternatively, to open a new Excel document, skip to the next step, else go to step 3.
2. Click the 'Start' button on the taskbar, point to 'All Programs,' and then click 'Microsoft Excel 2010.'
3. Press and hold the 'Ctrl' key on your keyboard and then one-by-one click in the cells to which you want to apply significant figures. This will select the cells you click. To select all the cells in the document, press 'Ctrl A'.
4. Right-click in one of the selected cells and then click 'Format Cells.'
5. Click the 'Number' tab on the Format Cells dialog box that opens.
6. Click 'Number' below Category, type the number of significant figures you want in the 'Decimal places' box (for example 6), and then click 'OK.'
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Monday, October 24, 2011

How to Import Excel Tables Into MS Word

1. Highlight and copy the content in Excel that you wish to embed in the Word document.
2. Switch to the Word document.
3. Place the cursor where you want the imported data.
4. Click the arrow under 'Paste' in the 'Clipboard' segment of the 'Home' menu. Choose 'Paste Special' from this menu.
5. Click the circle next to 'Paste Link.' Highlight 'Microsoft Office Excel Worksheet Object' in the box that says 'As' and click 'OK.'
6. Press 'Alt' and 'F9' at the same time. This turns on the field code display. The embedded link should appear something like this: {LINK Application 'File Path' [Range] [Switches]}
7. Modify switches if desired. Switches control options for automatic or manual updating and formatting. For example, choosing \A tells Word to automatically update the linked field. The full list of switches is available in Reference 1.
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Sunday, October 23, 2011

How Do I Create a Polygon Frequency Graph Using Excel?

1. Highlight the frequency data in the worksheet. For example, if your data is in cells A2 to A10, highlight these cells by left-clicking in A2 and dragging the cursor down over the cells.
2. Click on the 'Chart Wizard' and choose 'Line > Line With Markers.' Click 'Next.'
3. Click on the 'Series' tab.
4. Click on 'Category (X) axis labels' and then click the red mark.
5. Highlight the cells containing your midpoints. For example, if your midpoints are in cells B2 to B10, highlight cells B2 to B10.
6. Click the red marker again to return to the Chart Wizard, and then click Next. This will create the polygon frequency graph.
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How to Create a Map in Excel

1. Download or scan a starter map image. Many free maps are available for download at Right-click any map and choose the 'Save As' command to place the map on your computer.
2. Launch Excel. Select the entire worksheet by clicking in the selection box located between the column A and row 1 labels in the upper left of the spreadsheet.
3. Click the 'Format' menu and choose the 'Column' submenu. Select the 'Width' command. A pop-up window will appear.
4. Type the number '2.0' into the column width field and press the 'OK' button.
5. Select the 'Format' menu again. Choose the 'Sheet' submenu. Click on the 'Background' command. A pop-up window will appear.
6. Browse to the location of the saved map image you downloaded or scanned. Click on the name of the map image file and press the 'Insert' button.
7. Click on the 'Tools' menu. Select the 'Options' command. A pop-up window will appear.
8. Click the 'View' tab of the pop-up window.
9. Uncheck the following boxes: 'Row column headers,' 'Vertical scroll bar,' 'Horizontal scroll bar' 'and 'Gridlines.' This will ensure that the map image appears clean without interference from the spreadsheet grid.
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How to Select Multiple Sheets in Excel

1. Launch Excel and open the Excel workbook with which you want to work.
2. Click the tab for the first sheet with which you want to work. Sheet tabs are located at the bottom of the Excel workspace. If you have not renamed your sheets, they will have names like 'Sheet1' and 'Sheet2.' Sheet tabs turn from blue to white when they are selected.
3. Press the “Ctrl” key on your keyboard and click additional sheet tabs to select those sheets.
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Saturday, October 22, 2011

How to Use Borders in Microsoft Excel

Instant Borders
1. Launch Microsoft Excel and create or open a workbook with some information entered into some cells.
2. Click in a cell that contains information to highlight the cell.
3. Click the 'Home' tab on the tool bar.
4. Click the small pull down arrow to the right of the 'Border' button in the 'Font' group.
5. Click on the desired border style to instantly apply the selected border to the currently highlighted cell. Alternately click on 'No Border' to remove the existing border from the cell, or click on one of the more advanced alternatives from the 'Draw Borders' section of the pull down menu.
Format Cell Borders
6. Click on a single cell to select that cell, or click on a cell and hold the left mouse button down while dragging the mouse across a range of cells and then release the mouse button to select the entire range of cells that is highlighted.
7. Click the small symbol in the lower right corner of the 'Fonts' menu on the 'Home' tab. Alternately right-click on any one of the selected cells and click 'Format Cells' or hold down 'CTRL' and 'Shift,' then press the letter 'F' once and release all keys. This will bring up the 'Cell Properties' dialog box. Click the 'Border' tab.
8. Click on the desired line style for the border. Click on the color pull down box and select a color.
9. Click on the various border buttons along the outside of the preview pane to show what the border would look like if chosen. Click the same button again to toggle the border item off. Click 'OK' to save the settings and apply the border to the work book.
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How to Create a Simple Drop

1. Click on the cell in the workbook where you want your drop-down list to appear.
2. Select the 'Data' tab. From the 'Data Tools' menu, click 'Data Validation.' The Data Validation dialog will appear.
3. From the 'Settings' tab, click the 'Down Arrow' and select 'List.'
4. For a simple list, type the items in the Source box in the order you want them to appear in the drop-down, separating them by a comma. Click 'OK.'
5. At the insertion point, click the 'Down Arrow' to display the options, clicking on an option to select it.
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How to Change an Active Cell to Another Cell in Excel 2003

1. Open a new or existing file in Microsoft Excel.
2. Click the 'Tools' menu. Click 'Visual Basic Editor' to open the VBA coding editor. Click the 'Insert' menu item and select 'Module.' This option opens a module that 'attaches' to the Excel spreadsheet. The module is the VBA code that runs in the spreadsheet.
3. Type the following code in the module editor:Range('A1').SelectIn this example, the 'A1' cell is activated. Replace this value with your own cell you want to activate. You can also activate a range of cells. For instance, the following code activates cells from A1 to C1:Range('A1:C1').Select
4. Click the 'Close' button to close the VBA editor. Click 'Save' in the Excel toolbar to save the changes to the spreadsheet.
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How to Make Assumption Charts in Excel

1. Click the 'Insert' tab and then click 'Header and Footer.' This inserts a header and footer into your document.
2. Type a name for your chart into the header. For example, type 'World Market Information.'
3. Click cell 'B1' and type a heading for column B. For example, you might type 'United States' if you want an assumption chart for world interest rates.
4. Click cell 'C1' and type a column header for column C. For this example, type 'Europe.'
5. Continue entering column titles in row 1, beginning at cell 'D1' until you have entered all of your column titles. In this example, type 'U.K.' into cell 'D1' and then type 'Japan' into cell 'E1.'
6. Click cell 'A2' and type a descriptive name for the row. In the interest rate example, you might type 'Headline inflation.'
7. Click cell 'A3' and type a descriptive name for the next row. For example, type 'Core Inflation.'
8. Continue entering row headers in column A, starting at cell 'A4' and working downward. In this example, type 'GDP' into cell 'A4.'
9. Fill in the information in the rows and columns of your chart. For example, click cell 'B2' and type the headline inflation for the United States.
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How to Rename a Legend in Microsoft Excel 2007

Edit Legend Directly
1. Open a Microsoft Excel 2007 document. To rename a legend in Excel, you need an existing document with data and a chart.
2. Select the chart whose legend you want to edit. The 'Chart Tools' will appear in the Ribbon, including the 'Design, Layout and Format' tabs.
3. Click the 'Design' tab. Click 'Select Data' in the 'Data' group. The 'Select Data Source' dialog box appears.
4. Click the legend entry you want to edit listed in the 'Legend Entries (Series)' box. Click 'Edit.' The 'Edit Series' dialog box appears.
5. Select a new worksheet cell you want to use as the legend text by clicking the 'Collapse Dialog Box' button next to 'Series Name' and selecting the cell from your worksheet. Click the button again to go back to the box. Click 'OK.'
6. Type a new name for the legend entry (instead of selecting a worksheet cell). Enter the name in the 'Series Name' field. If you type a new name, the legend won't be linked to a cell entry. Click 'OK.' You'll see the change immediately in the chart legend.
7. Click the 'Microsoft Office Button' and click 'Save as' to save the changes.
Edit Legend Via Worksheet
8. Open the Excel worksheet on which you want to rename a chart legend. Select the worksheet cell that has the same entry as the legend.
9. Type a new name and press 'Enter.' The new name will immediately appear in the chart legend.
10. Click the 'Microsoft Office Button,' and select 'Save as' to save the changes.
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Friday, October 21, 2011

How to Calculate the Number of Days Between Dates

Hand Calculation
1. Subtract the year values. If the more recent date is earlier in the year than the other date, subtract 1 from the difference. Multiply the result by 365. Add 1 for each leap year in between the 2 years. A leap year occurs in every year divisible by 4, except years divisible by 100 that are not divisible by 400. Example: 2010 -- 1982 = 28 years * 365 = 10,220 plus 7 (for the leap years 1984, 1988, 1992, 1996, 2000, 2004, 2008) = 10,227.
2. Sum the days in the whole months between the two dates and add to the previous number. For example, from February, 1982, to May, 2010, adds 31 days for March and 30 days for April. Summed to the previous number, that is 10,227 61 = 10,288.
3. Add the days remaining in the earlier month and the days past in the more recent month to the previous total. For example, from February 7, 1982, to May 21, 2010, add 21 days of February and 21 days of May. Summed to the previous number, that is 10,288 42 = 10,330.
Excel Spreadsheet
4. Open an empty spreadsheet and format the first column (A) as a date. Click on the column header. Choose 'Home' from the toolbar, click on the format drop-down list and change the column format from 'General' to 'Date.'
5. Type the more recent date (5/21/2010) in cell A1. Type the earlier date (2/7/1982) in cell A2.
6. Create a formula in cell B2 that performs the subtraction. Type = A1 -- A2 and press 'Enter.' The answer will appear automatically.
Google Documents Spreadsheet
7. Visit Sign into an existing Google account (gmail, igoogle, etc.) or create a new account.
8. Click the 'Create New' button near the upper left-hand corner and choose 'Spreadsheet' from the drop-down list. Depending on browser and settings, Google will open a blank spreadsheet in a new window or tab.
9. Click on the header of column A to highlight the column. Click on the down arrow next to the '123' in the toolbar and choose 'Date' from the drop-down menu.
10. Type the more recent date (5/21/2010) in cell A1 and the earlier date (2/7/1982) in cell A2.
11. Create a formula in cell B2 to perform the subtraction: type = A1 -- A2 and press 'Enter.' The answer will appear automatically.
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How to Import a PDF Into Excel 2007

Turn Off Protected Mode
1. Launch Adobe Reader by clicking 'Start' in the lower-left corner of your screen and typing 'Adobe Reader' in the search field. Click 'Adobe Reader' when it appears in the search results.
2. Click the 'Edit' menu at the top of the screen, and then click 'Preferences.'
3. Select 'General' in the left pane.
4. Click the check box to remove the check beside 'Enable Protected Mode at startup.' This option is in the 'Application Startup' section near the bottom of the 'Preferences' window. If the 'Protected Mode' option is not listed, your version of Reader does not have this option, so you do not need to take any action.
5. Click 'Yes' in the window that appears, and then click 'OK' in the 'Preferences' window.
6. Close Adobe Reader.
Insert the PDF
7. Open the Excel document into which you're going to put the PDF.
8. Select the cell you want the PDF on. The PDF's upper-left corner will align against the cell's upper-left corner. You can, of course, move the PDF later, if you prefer.
9. Click the 'Insert' tab at the top of the window, and then click 'Object' in the 'Text' group.
10. Select 'Adobe Acrobat Document' from the 'Object type' section.
11. Click 'OK' to display the 'Open' window.
12. Locate the PDF you want to insert in the document.
13. Select the PDF and click 'Open.' The PDF will open in Adobe Reader and insert into your Excel document.
14. Turn 'Protected Mode' back on in Adobe Reader using 'Preferences' in the 'Edit' menu.
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How do I Recover a Forgotten Excel Password?

1. Click on the 'Free Word Password / Excel Password Recovery Software' link (see Resources). The completely free download can help you recover your Excel password. The software package works by trying different passwords against yours. This is called 'brute forcing' and may take hours or even days to accomplish. If you think your password is relatively simple, without complex characters like % or !, then this may be the software for you.
2. Click on the 'Password Recovery Engine for Excel' link (see Resources). The software can instantly recover any XLS file in just a few mouse clicks. The software uses a combination of brute force and dictionary attack (using different words from the dictionary) to try and guess your password. Options include setting different characters you might have used in your password (including Latin characters and digits) and specifying minimum and maximum password length.
3. Navigate to Lost Password's Excel Key (see Resources). Excel Key can find a password for any version of Excel, up to Excel 2010. The software uses a combination of dictionary, brute force and Xieve. Xieve boosts the speed of brute force by looking for combinations of words like sweetgirl or mydoc. If you are in a hurry, the software can instantly remove the password so that you can access your document.
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Thursday, October 20, 2011

How to Create a Pivot Table From Multiple Excel Worksheets

1. Open the Excel workbook you want to insert a pivot table in.
2. Press 'ALT D P' to start the Pivot Table Wizard.
3. Select 'Multiple consolidation ranges' when the Pivot Table Wizard asks which type of data you want to analyze. Click 'Next.'
4. Choose whether you want the pivot table to have one or more page fields and click 'Next.'
5. Use your mouse to highlight the ranges you want to enter on the pivot table. Click 'Add' after selecting a range from each worksheet.
6. Click 'Next' and select where you want to place the pivot table. You can insert the table on a new worksheet or on an existing worksheet. After choosing, click 'Finish.'
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How to Make a Checklist in Excel 2007

Make a Checklist with Form Controls
1. Click on the letter 'B' at the top of the second column to select the entire column. Click the 'Align Text Left' button in the Alignment section of the Home tab to align the text in your checklist to the left of the column.
2. Click inside the first cell in column B. Type the first item for your list into the cell. Enter your second checklist item into the next cell in column B, and continue entering your checklist items down the column.
3. Display the Developer tab if it does not display at the top of your ribbon. Click the Office icon at the top left of your window and select 'Excel Options.' Select 'Show Developer Tab in the Ribbon' under the Popular category. Click 'OK.'
4. Go to the Developer tab. Click 'Insert.' Click the 'Check Box' button. Click inside the first cell in column A to insert a check box.
5. Right-click the check box control and select 'Format Control.' Go to 'Alt Text' and delete the sample text. Go to the Control tab. Select 'Unchecked' under Value. Click 'OK.' Click on the spreadsheet away from the control. To enter a check into the box, click on it. Add check boxes in each cell in column A to correspond with the list in column B.
Make a Printable Checklist from a Template
6. Click the Microsoft Office button at the top left of the Excel window, then click 'New.'
7. Type 'Checklist' into the Search Office Online box.
8. Preview a checklist by clicking on it once. Click 'Download' when you find a checklist template you wish to use. The checklist will open as a new Excel file.
9. Click on a cell containing sample text. Select the text by dragging your mouse over it. Type your checklist information over the sample text. Change a sample picture if desired. Right-click the picture and select 'Change Picture.' Choose the picture you wish to use instead and click 'Insert.'
10. Click the 'Save' button on the Quick Access Toolbar to save your changes to the checklist template. Enter a name for the file and click 'Save.' Print the checklist as needed.
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How to Install DEC2HEX on Excel 2003

1. Click 'Tools' on the toolbar. Click 'Add Ins.'
2. Click the 'Analysis ToolPak' box in the 'Add-Ins available' list.
3. Click 'OK.'
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How to Read XML Data in Excel 2007

Import an XML data file into Excel 2007
1. Open the Excel 2007 application.
2. Click on the Microsoft icon on the top-left corner of the application's screen and click 'Open.'
3. Locate the XML data file on your hard drive.
4. Click on 'Open' to launch the Open XML or the Import XML dialog box. The Open XML dialog box will be displayed if the XML file does not have a style sheet reference. If the file does have a style sheet reference, the Import XML dialog box will be displayed.
5. Click on one of the three options if the Open XML dialog box is displayed on the screen. For example, the 'As an XML table' option imports the contents of the file to the workbook and applies an inferred schema to the data if the file does not refer to one. The 'As a read-only workbook' option causes the XML data file to be converted into a table containing rows and columns. The root node of the file is displayed as a heading in the first cell. The data is displayed in a read-only file with the tags as column headings. Any other tags are sorted alphabetically and shown on the second row. No inferred schema is applied to your data in this case. The 'Use the XML Source task pane' option displays the schema of the XML file in a task pane to the right of your application screen. Drag elements from the pane to the Excel worksheet in order to map them.
6. Click on one of the two options if the Import XML dialog box is displayed on the screen. For example, the 'Open the file with the following style sheet applied (select one)' option allows you to choose one of the style sheets shown. The selected style sheet will be applied to the data. The 'Open the file without applying a style sheet' option displays the data in the worksheet in columns and rows with the XML tags as column headings. The root node is displayed in the first cell. The rest of the elements are sorted and placed in the second cell.
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How to View Comments in Microsoft Excel 2003

1. Scroll to the “View” tab on the command bar to open the View menu.
2. Turn on the View Comments feature. Under the “View” tab, scroll to and left-click on “View Comments.” This will allow you to see all comment callout boxes and their text within the workbook.
3. Disable the View Comments feature by accessing the “View” tab and left-clicking on the “View Comments” selection, which is highlighted when active and appears as normal text when inactive.
4. View comments by right-clicking on cells that contain them. When you have the View Comments feature turned off, you can tell which cells contain comments: They will have a red comment arrow in the upper right corner. To view these comments, simply right-click on the cell and select “Show/Hide Comment.” You can undo this by right-clicking on the cell again and selecting “Hide Comment” to hide the comment callout box.
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Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Microsoft Excel: How to Protect My Formulas in Excel Sheets

1. Open Excel and type a formula in cell A1. Right click on the cell and select 'Format Cells.' Select the 'Protection' tab. Check the option for 'Hidden.' Click 'OK.' The hidden option lets you hide the content of the cells but it requires that the worksheet be protected for this to be activated.
2. Select the 'Review' tab and locate the Changes group. Within the Changes group, select 'Protect Sheet.' Make sure the 'Protect Worksheet and contents of lock cells' option is checked. Type a password in the 'Password to Unprotect Sheet' field. Confirm the password at the 'Confirm Password' prompt. Write this password in a secure location so you don't forget it. Click 'OK' to confirm the password protection.
3. Verify the password protection by going to cell A1. Look at the formula bar and notice it is blank. If you send this workbook to other users, they will get the same result. Your formula is protected and not visible unless they have the password. Do this for each cell or range where you want to protect your formulas.
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How to Manage Range Names in Excel

1. Start Microsoft Excel and open an existing spreadsheet that contains range names that you would like to manage, filter, edit, delete or create additional range names.
2. Choose the 'Formulas' tab to display the 'Formulas' ribbon. Click the 'Name Manager' button to open the 'Name Manager' dialog box.
3. Click the 'New' button in the 'Name Manager' dialog box to open the 'New Name' dialog box. In this dialog box, you can provide a name, scope, comment, and cell reference for the new range name that you create.
4. Select a range name you would like to edit from the 'Name Manager' list and click 'Edit' to open the 'Edit Name' dialog box. Here you can rename the range, change the scope, edit the comment or change the cell reference.
5. Identify a range name you would like to delete from the 'Name Manager' list and click the 'Delete' button. A dialog box will come up and ask you to confirm that you want to delete the name range. Click the 'OK' button to delete the name range from the 'Name Manager' dialog box.
6. Highlight and click the 'Filter' button on the top right of the 'Name Manager' dialog box to display the filter options available for the name manager. You can filter to find range names that are located in the current workbook, that are located in the current worksheet, that have errors, that don't have any errors, defined names and table names.
7. Complete the process by clicking on the 'Close' button. This will close the 'Name Manager' dialog box after you have finished managing the range names.
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How to Create a Money Graph by Using Microsoft Excel 2003

1. Enter the data for your graph in a new or existing spreadsheet in Microsoft Excel 2003. Include a relevant title for each monetary amount as this is the information that will appear on your graph and help you identify what each number is. For example, on a graph comparing your various household expenses, you may list 'groceries, rent and utilities' with the amount for each in the cell beside the title.
2. Format the numbers in your graph as currency. Highlight the numbers and click 'Format' in the menu bar, then select 'Cells.' In the number tab, set the category to 'Currency.' You can then set the number of decimal points you want behind the numbers and the currency symbol that you prefer.
3. Highlight the numbers and titles for the numbers that you want to include in your money graph. Click on the 'Chart Wizard' icon in the toolbar.
4. Select the type of chart that you want to create from the window that will pop up for the chart wizard. You can create all the standard types of graphs, such as column graphs, bar graphs, line graphs and pie charts. Other options include an XY scatter, doughnut graph, bubble graph or stock graph. If you are graphing your expenses over a period of months, a line graph will quickly show you if they've gone up or down. A pie chart is an effective way to see how big of a chunk each individual expense is taking out of the total.
5. Choose the chart sub-type for your selected chart. This determines exactly how the finished chart will look. Most chart types are available flat or with various 3-D effects.
6. Click 'Next' to continue to the next step of creating your graph. Check the data range to make sure you are using the correct information for your chart. Identify whether the series in the selected data runs in the row or column. If the titles for each amount run horizontally along the top of the page with the numbers beneath, your series is in rows. If the labels are in a vertical list with the numbers set next to each label, you have a series in columns.
7. Select 'Next' and enter a title for your chart. You can also label the X and Y axis and determine where the legend for your graph will appear on the finished page.
8. Go to the next page of the set up and determine the page where your graph will appear. Click on the graph to open the chart menu. You can make additional changes to the graph here if you are unsatisfied with your results.
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Tuesday, October 18, 2011

How to Link Sheets Using Visual Basic in Excel

1. Press 'Alt' and 'F11' at the same time to open the Visual Basic editor from your Excel worksheet.
2. Click 'Insert > Module' to open a blank code window.
3. Insert the following code (up to 'End Sub') into the blank window:Sub GetValue()
Range('A1').Value = '=[workbook_name.xls]Sheet1!B1'
End SubThis code fetches the value of A1 from the sheet Sheet1 in the workbook workbook_name.xls, then places that value into cell A1 of the currently active sheet.
4. Press 'F5' to display the Macros dialog. The macro name should already be filled in as 'GetValue.'
5. Click 'Run' to execute the VBA code linking the two workbooks together. You should now see the value from A1 in workbook_name.xls in cell A1 of your currently open worksheet.
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Monday, October 17, 2011

How to Add a Dial Chart to Excel 2010

1. Go to the Microsoft Office Templates site at, type “dial chart” into the search field, click the drop-down arrow next to the search button and select “Excel.” Click the “Search” button.
2. Click one of the dial chart thumbnails and click the “Download” button. The dial chart opens in Excel.
3. Edit the data that the dial chart represents, as necessary. Generally, the “Max Value” field displays the maximum number listed on the gauge, and the “Indicator Line” filed dictates value, which is where the dial line displays.
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How to Embed Excel Files into Word

1. Open Microsoft Word. You can either open a blank document or an existing document.
2. Click on the location in your document where you wish to embed your spreadsheet.
3. Click the 'Insert' tab and select 'Object.'
4. Click the 'Create from File' to browse for an existing Excel file. Navigate to and select the Excel spreadsheet. Choose to display the spreadsheet as an icon or link as well as the full object.
5. Click 'OK' to embed your object. If you didn’t choose to display the spreadsheet as an icon or link, you will see the first sheet of the workbook in your Word document. Click the spreadsheet object to view any other sheets and also to change data.
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Sunday, October 16, 2011

How to Disable Hyperlink Warning Messages in Office 2007

1. Creating a system restore point is recommended (See Resources).
2. Click the 'Start' button.
3. Type 'regedit' in the search box. Press 'Enter.'
4. Click 'Continue' if you get a 'User Account Control' window.
5. Press 'F3' on the keyboard to open the 'Find' window.
6. Type 'HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Common' and click 'Find Next.' If this text is not found, press 'ok,' then F3 again. Type 'HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Common' and click 'Find Next.'
7. Look for a sub-key named 'Security'. If this exists, click on it. If not, create it by clicking 'Edit', 'New' and then 'Key.' Type 'Security' and press enter.
8. Click 'Edit,' 'New,' and then 'DWORD' value. Type 'DisableHyperlinkWarning' and click 'Modify'.
9. Select 'Decimal' and type '1' for the value. Click 'OK.'
10. Close the registry editor and reboot the computer.
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How to View Excel 2007 Files on Excel 2003

1. Click to download the 'Microsoft Office Compatibility Pack' from the Resources section below. Choose a directory on your local hard drive to save the file and click the 'Save' button.
2. Double-click the downloaded executable to run it. Read the license terms, then click to place a check in the box next to 'Click Here To Accept The Microsoft Software License Terms.' Click the 'Continue' button.
3. Click the 'OK' button when the Compatibility Pack has completed the installation process.
4. Launch the Microsoft Excel 2003 program by clicking the 'Start' menu button. Click 'All Programs', then 'Microsoft Office', and click on 'Microsoft Office Excel 2003' program shortcut.
5. Click the 'File' menu and choose the 'Open' menu option. Click on the Excel 2007 spreadsheet file to select it in the 'Open' dialog box, then click the 'Open' button to open the file.
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How to Protect a Single Cell in Excel 2007

1. Click any cell in Excel, hold the 'Ctrl' key and press 'A' to select all cells. Alternatively, click the triangle at the top left of the worksheet, located just above the row numbers and to the left of the column letters.
2. Right-click any selected cell, and click 'Format Cells.'
3. Click the 'Protection' tab, uncheck 'Locked' and click 'OK.'
4. Click any cell to deselect all the other cells.
5. Right-click the single cell you wish to protect, and click 'Format Cells.'
6. Click the 'Protection' tab, check 'Locked' and click 'OK.'
7. Click the top 'Review' tab, and click 'Protect Sheet' in the 'Changes' group.
8. Enter a password in the 'Password to Unprotect Sheet' field of the 'Protect Sheet' dialog window, and click 'OK.'
9. Re-enter the password in the confirmation box and click 'OK.' That single cell is now protected. To unprotect it, click 'Unprotect Sheet' in the 'Changes' group of the 'Review' tab, enter the password and click 'OK.'
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Saturday, October 15, 2011

How to Put a Signature on Microsoft Excel

Manual Signature
1. Open Microsoft Excel. Click the 'File' tab and select 'Open,' then browse to the spreadsheet and double click the file.
2. Click the 'Insert' tab. Click 'Shapes' in the 'Illustrations' section.
3. Click the squiggly line 'Scribble' tool in the 'Line' section. The cursor changes to a pencil.
4. Position the cursor on the spreadsheet, then click and hold down the left mouse button and draw a signature of your first name with the Scribble tool. Release the left mouse button when finished. Repeat the process of clicking the 'Shapes' button, selecting 'Scribble' and clicking the cursor to draw your last name next to the first name box.
5. Change the signature color -- depending on your settings Excel's default may be light blue -- by clicking the new orange 'Drawing Tools' tab at the top of the work area. Click the 'Shape Outline' button. Click a small colored square, such as black or dark blue, to instantly change the color. Repeat for the last name and any further designations.
Import Signature
6. Open Microsoft Excel. Click the 'File' tab, select 'Open,' browse to the spreadsheet and double click.
7. Click the 'Insert' tab at the top of the work area. Click the 'Picture' button in the 'Illustrations' section.
8. Browse to the previously-created graphic file containing your signature. Double click the file name to add the signature image to your Excel spreadsheet.
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How to Copy Workbooks in VBA

1. Open Microsoft Excel. Create a workbook, and name it 'Book1.xls.' Populate the cells with information, and save it to your local disk C: drive.
2. Create another workbook, and name it 'Book2.xls.' Leave it blank, and save it to your local disk C: drive. Close Excel.
3. Open Microsoft Word. Go to 'Tools,' 'Macro' and then Click 'Visual Basic.' This will open the Visual Basic programming environment.
4. Go up to 'Insert' and choose 'Userform.' This will create a Userform.
5. Double-click on the Userform, and paste the following code: FileCopy Source:='C:\Book1.xls', Destination:='C:\Book2.xls'Here is an example of what your code should look like:Private Sub UserForm_Click()FileCopy Source:='C:\Book1.xls', Destination:='C:\Book2.xls'End Sub
6. Press the 'F5' key on your keyboard to run the program. The information in workbook 'Book1.xls' should now be copied to 'Book2.xls' on your local C: drive.
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How to Add a Trendline With Excel 2007

1. Select the chart to which you want to add the trendline. Click once on the data series for which you want the trendline to appear.
2. Click the 'Add Trendline' option on the 'Chart' menu. This action will open a separate pop up window.
3. Click the 'Type' tab. Select the type of trendline that you want to add from the list of available options. Click the 'OK' button to add the trendline to the chart.
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Friday, October 14, 2011

How to Center Worksheets Both Horizontally Vertically in Windows Excel

1. Open your worksheet in Microsoft Excel by clicking the 'Office' button in the upper left corner and selecting 'Open.' Navigate to where your workbook is located and click 'Open' to display the worksheet.
2. Click the 'Page Layout' tab and click 'Margins' in the 'Page Setup' group
3. Click 'Custom Margins' to display the 'Page Setup' settings.
4. Check the boxes located next to 'Horizontally' and 'Vertically' under 'Center on Page' to center your worksheet. Click 'OK' to close the 'Page Setup' box.
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How to Do a Cumulative Total on Excel

1. Open the Excel 2010 file in which you want to create a cumulative total.
2. Enter, or move, the numbers you are going to sum into a single column. Ensure that this column has an empty column to the right of it.
3. Select the cell at the top of the empty column to the right of the values. Place an equal sign (=) into the cell to start a formula, then click on the cell at the top of the column with the values to place that cell reference into the formula. Press 'Enter' to complete the formula, and the cell will display the exact same value as the top cell of the original columns.
4. Click the cell directly below the cell where you entered the formula. Press the '=' button to start a new formula. Click the cell at the top of this column to place its coordinates into the formula. Then press the plus sign ( ) sign and click the cell to the left of the cell you are entering a formula in. Press 'Enter' to complete the formula.
5. Move your mouse to the bottom-right corner of the cell you just placed your formula in. When your mouse changes to a plus sign, click and hold the mouse button. Drag your mouse down the column to the last cell where you want to create the cumulative total. Release the mouse button, and the entire column will change to show the cumulative sum for the first column.
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How to Merge Documents in Excel 2007

1. Create an Excel document and then click on the 'Review' tab in the 'Changes' group. Click the option 'Share Workbook.' Click the 'Editing' tab and check the box next to the option to 'Allow changes by more than one user at the same time.'
2. Create a folder on your PC's desktop by right-clicking on your desktop. Save the original Excel document to this new folder by clicking 'Save As' and then selecting the new folder on your desktop as the destination for the Excel document. Save the copy of the Excel document you want to merge into the original document in the same folder on your PC's desktop. Make sure the two files have different file names.
3. Open the original Excel document. Click 'Tools' from the Excel window's toolbar. Select 'Compare and Merge Workbooks.' A dialog box will open and ask you to 'select the files to merge into current workbook.' Select the document you would like to merge into the original Excel document. Click 'Ok.'
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How to Make a Crossword Puzzle in Excel

1. Draft your crossword puzzle with paper and pencil. Determine what size grid you will need, where you want to place your clues, and how clues will cross on the grid.
2. Start a new, blank document in Microsoft Excel.
3. Select a number of rows equal to one more than the vertical size of your planned grid (for example, if you need a grid 20 spaces high, select 21 rows).
4. Right-click in cell A1, click 'Row Height,' and then enter '20' in the option box that appears. Click 'OK.'
5. Select a number of columns equal to one more than the horizontal size of your planned grid (for example, if you need a grid 20 spaces wide, select 21 rows).
6. Right-click in cell A1, click 'Column Width,' and then enter '2.5' in the option box that appears. Click 'OK.'
7. Starting in cell B2, select your grid area, then click on the 'Borders' button in the Font box on the Home ribbon. Select 'All Borders' from the pull-down menu.
8. Key in your answers, one letter per cell (don't worry--you will delete them later). Make sure that all answers are spelled correctly and that words cross at the appropriate letter.
9. Select the empty cells (hold down the 'Control' key and click each empty cell). In the Font box on the Home ribbon, click on the 'Fill Color' button, then choose 'Black, Text 1' as your color (first row, second column).
10. Select your crossword grid and delete all the answers. Type a small (font size 6) corresponding clue number in the first cell of each answer's space.
11. Type your numbered clues, one clue per cell, in separate cells to the right of the crossword grid.
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How to Make a Perceptual Map in Excel

Excel 2007
1. Highlight your data by left-clicking on the top-left cell, and dragging your mouse to the bottom right.
2. Click the “Insert” ribbon.
3. Click “Other Charts” in the 'Charts' section of the 'Insert' ribbon.
4. Click “Bubble” to display your perceptual map on your worksheet.
Excel 2003
5. Highlight your data by left-clicking on the top left cell, and dragging your mouse to the bottom right.
6. Click on 'Chart' from the 'Insert' menu.
7. Click on 'Bubble' in the Chart type box.
8. Click the chart sub-type you want to use, then click 'Next' twice.
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Thursday, October 13, 2011

How to Make a Mailing List on Excel

How to Create a Mailing List with Excel
1. Open a blank Excel spreadsheet.
Enter the labels you want to include in your mailing list on the top row. Shown in the sample are labels for first name, last name, address, city, state, country and zip code (see sample in Image 1).
Immediately below the labels, type the first entries of your mailing list (Image 2).
Format your mailing list as a table by clicking the 'Format as Table' button (located in the 'Styles' tab on the 'Home' menu) and choose the table format you want. The 'Format as Table' dialog box will pop out. Click the check box beside 'My table has headers,' then click 'OK' (Image 3).
You can now complete the mailing list by typing the next entries. Press 'Tab' as you move to the next cell. Excel will automatically format the next cells and rows on your table as you click on the Tab key (Image 4).
6. After typing all the entries in your mailing list, save and close your Excel sheet.
7. Open the Word document that contains the text template for the letter or file that you want to use with the mailing list.
Click Mailings > Start Mail Merge > Step by step Mail Merge Wizard. This will show the Mail Merge wizard on the right-hand side of your document (Image 5).
Select the 'Document Type' you want to use then click 'Next' at the bottom. In the example, 'E-mail messages' is the document type (Image 6).
10. Select 'Use the current document,' then 'Next' at the bottom to select recipients (Image 7).
11. Select Use an existing list > Browse > Open > Select Sheet/Table. Click 'OK' on the mail merge recipients dialog box (Image 8).
12. Click 'Greeting Line,' format the salutation and click 'OK.' It will automatically insert a greeting line on your template (Image 9).
13. Repeat Step 12 for the address block list (Image 10). Preview your custom template. If everything looks fine, click 'Complete the merge.'
14. The final step is to print the file or edit them individually, whichever you prefer to use for your mailing list (Image 11).
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How to Insert an Object as an Icon That Is Not Appearing in MS Word

Inserting a New Object with an Icon You Select
1. Open your Word document. Click 'Insert' at the top of the Word screen.
2. On the 'Text' segment of the menu, click on 'Object.'
3. Select the 'Object type' from the box.
4. Click 'Display as Icon.' The default icon for the application you selected will appear.
5. Click 'Change Icon' to bring up the 'Change Icon' dialog box.
6. Click 'Browse.'
7. Navigate to the location of the exe, dll or ico file containing the icon you want to use. Click the icon and choose 'Open.'
8. Click 'OK' on the next two windows to complete the object insertion.
Modifying an Existing Object With an Icon You Select
9. Right-click on the object and choose 'Convert.'
10. Select the option that says 'Change Icon.'
11. Navigate to the location of the icon you wish to use. Click it and choose 'Open.'
12. Click 'OK' to complete the changes.
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How to Insert Identical Information Into Several Excel Worksheets

Setting Up the Workbook
1. Create a new workbook by selecting 'New' from the 'File' menu or clicking the New button on the main toolbar.
2. Insert as many additional pages into the workbook as you need by selecting 'Worksheet' from the 'Insert' menu or right-clicking on a tab and selecting 'Insert' from the pop-up menu.
3. Rename each page to something more meaningful by double-clicking on the tab to highlight the name and typing in the new name or right-clicking and selecting 'Rename' from the pop-up menu.
4. Format each page with titles and column labels as necessary. Use the Copy feature to copy static information from one worksheet to another.
5. Enter the numeric data you need on each worksheet and set up any preliminary calculations for that worksheet.
Inserting the Information
6. Jot down the name of the worksheet and the cell address for each piece of dynamic information you wish to carry from one spreadsheet to another. (If you have only a few cells you wish to carry over, don't bother writing their addresses down first.)
7. Click on the cell in the new worksheet to which you wish to carry the information.
8. Refer to the cell whose contents you wish to copy by entering '=SheetName!An,' replacing 'SheetName' with the actual name of the worksheet you are copying from 'A' with the column letter and 'n' with the row number of its cell. (If the name of the reference worksheet includes spaces, you must enclose the worksheet name in parentheses.)
9. Repeat Step 3 for each cell whose contents you wish to copy into another worksheet. If you are copying the same cell's information into multiple worksheets, use the Copy feature to copy the reference formula into the other worksheets.
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How to Mix Chart Types in Excel

1. Open the Excel worksheet.
2. Click and drag to select the categories and data values for the charts.
3. Click the “Insert” tab on the command ribbon.
4. Click one preferred chart type in the “Charts” group. The data converts to one chart type. The “Chart Tools” ribbon appears.
5. Right-click one data series in the plot area. This selected series will display a different chart type. A list of options appears.
6. Click “Change Series Chart Type” in the list. The “Change Chart Type” dialog window opens with a gallery of chart thumbnails.
7. Click the preferred chart type.
8. Click “OK.” The data series converts to a new chart type.
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How to Unhide Columns in MS Excel 2007

Using the Ribbon
1. Highlight at least one cell on each side of the column you want to redisplay. For example, if you are trying to unhide column E, highlight a cell in both column D and F.
2. Select the 'Home' tab from the Office Ribbon near the top of the window and then locate the 'Cells' section of the Ribbon.
3. Click the 'Format' button, select 'Hide Unhide' and then click the 'Unhide Columns' option.
Using the Right-click Menu
4. Look to the column ID row at the very top of your spreadsheet.
5. Hold your cursor over the left edge of the column ID located immediately to the right of the hidden column you want to reveal. For example, if you are trying to unhide column A, hold your cursor over the left edge of column B in the column ID row. A double-sided arrow will appear when your cursor is in the proper position.
6. Right-click and select the 'Unhide' option.
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How to Make a Project Milestones Chart

Making a Chart in Microsoft Project
1. In the Microsoft Project software program, open a new document that shows two window panes--one for tasks and one for the chart.
2. In the task column, enter each of the tasks for the project and the duration to complete each of the tasks in the duration column.
3. For the first task, enter the date that you would like to start the task.
4. For each of the tasks, identify which of the other tasks are predecessors or must be completed before the start of the next task. The number associated with the task that must be completed first should be entered into the predecessor column.
5. The system will then automatically schedule an end date based upon the start date and the duration of each task, and the system will generate a Gantt chart displaying the duration for each task.
Making a Chart in Microsoft Excel
6. Open a new Excel worksheet.
7. Enter the name of each task in the first column. In the second column, enter the expected start date. Enter the number of days completed for the task in the third column and enter the number of days remaining to complete the task in the fourth column.
8. Select the spreadsheet area you want to graph and open the chart wizard. Select the 'Stacked Bar Graph' as the type of graph you want to generate and select 'finish.'
9. Select the start date column. Go to Patterns and select Format Data Series. Once the box has opened, choose to have 'none' for both the area and border tabs. Select the y-axis of the chart and select the scale tab. Enter a value of 60 for the major unit, which represents approximately two months, and a minor unit of 1, which represents a day. The minimum and maximum values should correspond to the dates you want to capture with your chart. Be sure the box for 'Category axis crosses at maximum value' is checked.
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Wednesday, October 12, 2011

How to Create an Anchor Formula in Excel

Decide which cells in your formula need to be anchored and which do not. Single cells that are used by every iteration of the formula need to be anchored. Cell references that are different for each iteration of the formula do not need to be anchored.
Example: A1 B1 should update to A1 B2. A1 will be the cell reference that will be anchored.
Insert a '$' sign before the letter and the number of the cell reference to be anchored. Example: Replace 'A1' with '$A$1'.
Select the cell with the formula in it. Drag the black square in the lower-right corner of the cell over the cells for the formula to be copied to.
Verify that each cell has the intended formula and result.
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Tuesday, October 11, 2011

How to Use AutoComplete in Word

1. Start Microsoft Word and open an existing file or start a new blank document.
2. Type within your Word document, being sure to watch the screen for a yellow box that will appear above your typing. AutoComplete will try to finish any common words, including your name, the current date, day, month, year and any other AutoText entries that you have established.
3. Spot the yellow box that appears while you are in the middle of typing a word. Press the 'Enter' key on your keyboard to enter the word that is suggested by the Word AutoComplete tool. If Word suggests a word that you are not typing, then simply ignore the suggestion. It will go away after you have finished typing the word.
4. Repeat this process to enter any other additional AutoComplete selections into your document.
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How to Sort Multiple Rows Columns in Excel

1. Highlight the rows and columns you wish to sort by clicking and dragging. Alternatively, place the cursor in one of the corners of the area of the spreadsheet you want to sort, hold down the 'Shift' key, and use the arrow keys to highlight the area to sort. The area must be contiguous and rectangular; you cannot sort areas that are not connected.
2. Click on the 'Data' command at the top of the window, then choose 'Sort.'
3. Click on the option you want at the bottom of the pop-up window labeled 'My list has.' If you choose 'Header row,' Excel will use the top row as the header and not sort it; if you choose 'No header row,' it will sort the top row with the other data.
4. Choose the column you wish to begin your sort with from the drop down menu under the 'Sort by' heading in the pop-up window. If you are using a header row, the drop down menu will show you the contents of the top cell of each column, if not, you will see 'Column A,' 'Column B,' etc.
5. Make further choices for the order you want the data sorted into by using the 'Then by' selections in the pop-up window. This allows you to sort, for instance, by last name followed by first name.
6. Click 'OK' at the bottom of the pop-up window to sort the data.
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How to Auto Number in Excel 2007

1. Click the first cell in the row or column you want to number.
2. Type '=TEXT(ROW(A1), '000')' to number the rows beginning with '1' and with the format 001, 002, etc. Replace 'A1' with a different cell reference to begin at a different number; use 'A2' to begin with 002, for example. In this formula, the cell reference returns the row number of the cell. You can use any cell reference in the formula, not just the reference for the cell the formula is in. Replace '000' with '$0.00' for dollar format, '0%' for percent format or use your own format.Only type '=ROW(A1)' if you want numbers in standard format -- 1, 2 and so on.
3. Press 'Enter' on your keyboard and Excel will calculate the formula. Select the same cell again and hover your pointer over the bottom right corner of the cell until a black cross appears. Click and drag down to cover as many cells as you want to number.
Fill Handle
4. Click to select the cell where you want to begin numbering and type your first number.
5. Select the next cell in the row or column you are numbering and type the second number in your series. For standard numbering, type '1' in the first cell and '2' in the second. Use '2' and '4' to number by twos, '10' and '20' to number by tens, and so forth.
6. Click the first cell and hold the left mouse button down. Drag down or right to the second cell so both are selected at once.
7. Hover the pointer over the bottom right corner of the second cell until you see a black cross. Click and drag down to number rows or to the right to number columns. Let go of the mouse button when you reach the cell where you want the numbering to end.
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How to Stop Word From Making a Black Line Across the Page

Turn Off the Automatic Border Setting
1. Double-click the Microsoft Word application or choose it from your Start menu to run it.
2. Type some text in the blank document window.
3. Press the 'Enter/Return' key to start a new paragraph and type either '***,' '###' or '---' and press the 'Enter/Return' key again to move to the next line. A border will appear on the page.
4. Click the 'File' button (Word 2010) or the 'Office' button (Word 2007) in the upper left corner of the screen and select 'Options' (Word 2010) or 'Word Options' (Word 2007).
5. Click the 'Proofing' category in the options window and then select 'AutoCorrect Options.'
6. Click the tab at the top of the AutoCorrect options window that says 'AutoFormat As You Type.'
7. Uncheck the box next to 'Border Lines' to stop Word from replacing the symbols ###, *** and --- with a border if you prefer the black line not to appear again automatically.
8. Click the 'OK' button to return to your document window.
Remove the Automatic Border Line
9. Click on the line above the border on the page, hold down the mouse button and drag to the line below the border line to highlight all the paragraphs near the border.
10. Click the 'Home' tab at the top of the screen, then click the 'Border' button on the 'Paragraph' panel. A drop-down menu will appear.
11. Choose 'No Border' from this menu and the border line on your page will disappear.
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