Sunday, December 16, 2012

How to Add Data Labels to a Pie Chart

Adding Data Labels to a Pie Chart in Excel 2007 and Excel 2010
1. Start the Microsoft Excel program and open the worksheet containing the pie chart to which you wish to add data labels.
2. Select the chart by clicking on it. A translucent ribbon will appear at the edges of the chart, indicating its selection.
3. Click on the 'Layout' tab in the toolbar above the chart to display the 'Layout' ribbon.
4. Locate the 'Data Labels' button and click on the downward arrow to reveal a drop-down list of options.
5. Select the desired location for the labels. This will add data labels on your pie chart.
Adding Data Labels to a Pie Chart in Versions Prior to Excel 2007
6. Select the pie chart by clicking on it.
7. Click on 'Chart' from the toolbar above and select 'Chart Options.' A dialog box will pop up.
8. Select the 'Data Labels' tab from this box.
9. Select what you wish to depict on the chart from the five options: 'Series name,' 'Category name,' 'Value,' 'Percentage' and 'Bubble size.'
10. Click 'OK.' This will add the desired data labels to your pie chart.

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