Thursday, December 27, 2012

How to Use Excel Spreadsheet for Bills

1. Select cell 'A1,' located in the top-left corner of the Excel 2010 worksheet.
2. Type 'Bill Type' into the the cell. This column will contain the name of the bill, like 'Rent' or 'Electricity.' Select the cell to the right of the first one and enter in 'Bill Amount.' Continue moving one cell to the right and enter in 'Bill Month,' 'Due Date,' 'Amount Paid' and 'Date Paid.' You can also add more fields if there is some other aspect of each bill that you want to track.
3. Select cell A2. Enter in the bill type for the first bill you want to track. Then move to the cell directly to the right, and enter in the bill amount. Continue until you have entered all the available information for that bill. Leave the 'Amount Paid' and 'Date Paid' fields blank until you have paid the bill.
4. Enter another bill's information into row 3. Continue until you have all your bill information for the month entered in.
5. Select cell A1 and hold the mouse button down. Move the mouse to the rightmost cell in the last row of the information that you entered and release the button. Select the 'Insert' tab at the top of the window and click the 'Table' button. Select 'OK' to build the table. This will format your information to make it readable and provide drop-down arrows that will let you narrow down your information.
6. Right-click anywhere in the table, move your mouse over 'Table' in the pop-up menu and choose 'Totals Row' to add a summation row at the bottom of the table. Select the cell in the totals row under 'Bill Amount' and choose 'Sum' from the menu that appears. This will now give you the total amount for all the bills you entered into Excel. You can do the same thing for the 'Amount Paid' column, or any other column that contains numerical data.
7. Right-click the row number for the totals row and select 'Insert' if you need to add another bill to the field. This will create a blank row at the bottom of the table. Generally you will have to do this several times each month to add that months bills.
8. Select a drop-down arrow next to each header to narrow down the table to just include rows that contain certain entries. You can look at just bills of a certain type, or just bills from a certain month. The totals row will automatically update when you narrow down the table.

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