Tuesday, December 18, 2012

How to Insert an Excel Spreadsheet to a VB Form

1. Open Microsoft Excel and type 'A' in 'A1,' 'B' in 'B1,' 'Column A' in 'A2,' and 'Column B' in 'B2.' Save your spreadsheet to 'C:\' as 'ExcelFile.xlsx.'
2. Open Microsoft Visual Basic 2010 Express, click the 'File' menu and select 'New Project.' Click 'Installed Templates,' select 'Windows Forms Application' and click 'OK.'
3. Press 'Ctrl' 'Alt' 'X' to open the 'Toolbox' window. Double-click 'DataGridView' to add a new Data Grid View control to 'Form1.' Double-click 'Button' in 'Toolbox' to add a new button to 'Form1.'
4. Double-click 'Button1' to open the 'Form1.vb' module. Type the following above 'Public Class Form1':Imports System.Data.OleDb
5. Type the following inside 'Private Sub Button1_Click' to declare a 'DataSet' and define the Excel connection:Dim ds As New DataSet()Dim connectionString As String = 'Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;' _'Data Source=C:\ExcelFile.xlsx ;' _'Extended Properties=Excel 12.0;'
6. Type the following to connect to the 'ExceFile.xlsx' file and fill the 'DataSet':Dim excelData As New OleDbDataAdapter('SELECT * FROM [Sheet1$]', connectionString)excelData.TableMappings.Add('Table', 'ExcelSheet')excelData.Fill(ds)
7. Type the following to display the spreadsheet in your Data Grid View:Me.DataGridView1.DataSource = ds.Tables(0)Me.Refresh()Press 'F5' to run your program and press 'Button1' to import the Excel spreadsheet.

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