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Tuesday, September 13, 2011
How to Insert a Static Time in Excel
1. Start Microsoft Excel 2007, and open an existing workbook from your files in which you want to insert a static time into one of the cells. Alternatively, you can start a new, blank workbook to insert the static time.
2. Select the cell in the workbook you want to insert the static time into by clicking on it. The selected cell will now have a thick black box around it, indicating that it is selected and ready for the next step.
3. Hold down the 'Ctrl,' 'Shift' and ':' keys at the same time on the keyboard. This keyboard shortcut will instruct Excel to enter a static time into the selected cell.
4. Look at the cell, and see the current time to be inserted into the selected cell. This time will not change at any point unless you manually change it yourself. It will not update on its own at any time.
5. Insert the static time into any other cells in the open Excel workbook using the same procedure that is outlined in the previous steps.