Saturday, September 17, 2011

How to Add Print Preview Ribbon to Main Ribbon

1. Open Microsoft Word 2010 and click the 'File' button, then select 'Options.' Click the 'Customize Ribbon' button on the left side of the Word Options menu.
2. Decide where you want to place this shortcut. You must create a custom group to place your shortcuts. For example, if you plan to add the shortcut to the Home tab, add a new group to this tab. Select 'New Group' on the right side of the Options. Select 'Rename' and type a name for this group. Click 'OK.'
3. Select the 'Choose Commands From' drop-down list, select 'Not On The Ribbon.' Select 'Print Preview Edit Mode.' Click 'Add' to move this command to the newly created group. Click 'OK.'

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