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Friday, September 16, 2011
How to Create a Simple Budget Using Excel 2007
1. Open Excel, double click the tab called 'Sheet 1' and change the name to 'Expenses.' All of your expenses will be listed in this first Expense worksheet.
2. Click cell A1 and type 'Date,' press tab and type 'Expense Name,' press tab and type 'Amount ($)' and press tab one more time and type 'Notes.' These four headings will now be the titles of the first four columns.
3. For every expense you have, record the date of the expense in the 'Date' column, a description of the expense in the 'Expense Name' column, how much you spent in the 'Amount ($)' column and include any notes about the expense that are relevant in the final column.
4. Double-click on the second worksheet tab called 'Sheet 2,' and change the name to 'Income.'
5. Click on cell A1 and type 'Date,' press tab and type 'Income Name,' press tab and type 'Amount ($)' and finally press tab once more and type 'Notes.'
6. Record any income you take in on this worksheet, noting the date of the payment, a description of the income, the amount and any notes about the income in the appropriate columns.