Thursday, September 22, 2011

How to Do Line Graphs in Excel 2003

1. Open Microsoft Excel 2003 and create a new spreadsheet.
2. Type the names for each line in the first row. For example, if your data will contain information from months on the calendar, type 'January' in cell A1, 'February' into B1, and so on. Each column will correspond to one line on the graph.
3. Enter the data points for each column. Type the data for the 'January' line in column 'A' starting at 'A2,' for 'February' in column 'B' and continue until you have entered all of the data.
4. Click and drag over all of the data you entered to select it, including the label names in the first row. With the data highlighted, click on 'Insert' and select 'Chart.' This opens the Chart Wizard. In the 'Chart Type' list, select 'Line.' Select one of the 'Chart Sub-Types' from the images on the right. Click 'Next.'
5. Click on the 'Series' tab. Change the names for the labels if you want to and then click 'Next' to open the Chart Wizard's options.
6. Type a title for the graph in the 'Chart Title' field under the 'Titles' tab. Configure the options under the rest of the tabs as needed but you do not have to make anything different other than the default settings. Click 'Finish' to make your line graph.

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