Thursday, February 21, 2013

How to Make a Combo Box in Excel 2003

1. Open Excel on your computer, and open a new spreadsheet. Somewhere in the spreadsheet, enter the data that will appear in the combo box. For example, you might enter data between cells C4 to C10.
2. Go to the 'Forms' toolbar, and select 'Combo Box.'
3. Drag your mouse over the cells that you want the combo box to encompass. Once you release your mouse click, the combo box will appear.
4. Right-click on the new combo box,, and choose 'Format Control' from the menu. Specify the cell range of your data in the 'Input Range' field; in the above example, you would enter C4:C10, because those are the cells that hold your data.
5. Go to the 'Cell Link Box,' and enter the number of the cell where you want the index value of items selected in the combo box to appear. Click 'OK.'

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