Monday, April 25, 2011

How to Paste Special in Microsoft Excel 2003

1. Select the cells, rows, or columns that you want to manipulate and go to the Edit menu and select 'Copy' (or press Ctrl-C) to copy the data.
2. Click the cursor on the cell or cells where you want the manipulated data to be placed.
3. Go back to the Edit menu and select 'Paste Special.' This will open up a window where you will choose how to manipulate the selected data.
4. The first section, labeled 'Paste,' is where you tell Microsoft Excel what parts of the data you want to paste. 'All' will paste all of the copied data, 'Formulas' will paste just the formulas connected to the copied data, 'Values' will paste just the outcome of the copied data and not the formulas and 'Formats' will paste just the style of the copied data.
5. The second section, labeled 'Operation,' allows you to manipulate the copied data. You can select one of the four basic arithmetic operations--Add, Subtract, Multiply, or Divide. Click the cursor on the cell or cells that you want to combine with the copied data, and Microsoft Excel will perform the operation between the two sets of values.
6. When you have chosen the 'Paste' and 'Operation' options you want, click 'OK' and Microsoft Excel will paste the data appropriately.

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