Wednesday, April 27, 2011

How to Convert Excel 2003 to the 2007 Format

1. Open the file to be converted using Excel 2007. Click 'File' in the menu bar and select 'Open.' Navigate to the file you wish to open and convert. This will open the file in Compatibility Mode.
2. Click the 'Microsoft Office Button' located in the menu bar then click 'Convert' in the pop up window. When asked if you are sure you wish to convert this workbook to the new file format, click 'OK' to confirm. If you do not want this warning message to appear again, select the option for 'Do not ask me again about converting workbooks.'
3. Click 'Yes' in the window that appears asking if you want to work on the file in the Excel 2007 file format. This will close the file, convert it to the new file format and reopen it for you to work on. After you have finished working with the file, click 'Save' in the File menu bar to save the file in the new format.

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