Friday, April 15, 2011

How to Reduce the Size of an Excel Spreadsheet

1. Make a backup copy of the file you want to reduce.
2. Open the Excel document and hit 'Ctrl' ' End' in each tab of the spreadsheet. You're looking for the last cell with data in it, in effect the lowest, right-most cell in the worksheet. For many sheets, this cell will be well outside of what you might have thought the spreadsheet contained.
3. Select unused columns by clicking on a column header, then holding down the 'Ctrl' 'Shift' 'Right Arrow' keys. This will select all columns to the right of the one you selected, including the one you selected. Press the 'Delete' key.
4. Select unused rows by clicking on a row header, then holding down the 'Ctrl' 'Shift' 'Down Arrow' keys. This will select all rows beneath of the one you selected, including the one you selected. Press the 'Delete' key.

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