Monday, April 11, 2011

How to Create Tabs in an Excel Spreadsheet

1. Open Microsoft Excel. There will be multiple tabs at the bottom with the name 'Sheet' and a number for each tab. Each of these tabs is a separate worksheet. Click on the tab to open that worksheet.
2. Right-click on the tab and select 'Rename' to change the name on the tab.
3. Add tabs to the file by right-clicking on a tab and selecting 'Insert.'
4. Copy an existing worksheet as a new tab by right-clicking on a tab and selecting 'Move or Copy.' Choose where to place the new tab and select the copy check box to leave the original tab in its location.
5. Rearrange tabs by dragging them to a new location among the tabs.
6. Delete unused worksheet tabs by right-click on the tab for the worksheet that you do not want and selecting 'Delete.'

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