Tuesday, February 15, 2011

How to Use Subtotals in Excel

How to Use Subtotals in Excel
1. Open the Excel workbook in which you want to subtotal data.
2. Select data that you want subtotaled by left-clicking with your mouse in the upper left-hand corner of the data and then using your mouse to select to the right and down to highlight all of the data.
3. Select 'Data' from the main menu. Select 'Sort' from the drop-down menu.Data must be sorted to perform the subtotals function. Sort based on what you want the subtotals categories, not what you want subtotaled. For example, if you want to subtotal purchases by state, sort by state, not the purchase amounts.
4. In the 'Sort' pop-up window select the appropriate column heading in the 'Sort by' field. Select 'Ascending' or 'Descending' radio buttons, depending on whether you want the data sorted ascending or descending. Select 'Ok'.
5. Left-click with your mouse in the upper left hand corner of the data that you want subtotaled and then, using your mouse, highlight all of the data by moving your mouse to the right and down.
6. In the 'Subtotal' pop-up window, 'At each change in:' field select the category by which you want data subtotaled.In the example given above, this would be: 'State'.
7. In the 'Subtotal' pop-up window, select the function that you want performed on the data. The options are: Sum, Count, Average, Max, Min, Product, Count Nums (numbers), StdDev (standard deviation), StdDevp (standard deviation population), Var (variance), Varp (variance population).In the example given above, this would be: 'Sum'.
8. In the 'Subtotal' pop-up window, select the data that you want subtotaled (or the other functions available within this tool). The options will be all of the column headers in the data that was selected in step 5.In the example give above, this would be: 'Purchases'.
9. In the 'Subtotal' pop-up window, indicate if you want the current subtotals replaced (useful to keep data clean if you are re-subtotaling information), page break between groups (useful for disseminating specific data to specific individuals or departments), summary below data (useful to keep an overall number, whether it is sum, average, count, etc...).Select 'Ok.'
10. Notice that additional rows have been inserted into the spreadsheet for each change in category.
To the right of the data you will notice a small '1', '2' and '3'. The view automatically defaults to '3,' which lists all of the data that was subtotaled and the inserted rows mentioned above. View '2' lists all of the subtotals. View '1' lists only the grand total.

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