Wednesday, February 16, 2011

How to Look Up a Date in MS Excel 2003

1. Click an empty cell where you want the date to be displayed, for example if the first row is empty, click 'B2.'
2. Type '=VLOOKUP(lookup_value,table_array,col_index_num,range_lookup).'
Type the location such as 'A1' instead of 'lookup_value.' This will be the cell where you type your search term. Type the coordinates of your table, such as 'A2:D6' instead of 'table_array.' Type the column number you wish to see such as '3' instead of 'col_index_num.'Type 'FALSE' instead of 'range_lookup' to find an exact result.
3. Type a search term into cell A1. The VLOOKUP function in cell B2 will then find that term in the table array specified, and then display the information from the cell specified as 'col_index_num.' If you had a table of names in column A, hair colors in column B, and dates of birth in column C, then this VLOOKUP function would display for you the date of birth in cell B2 (as it is the third column of the specified table array).

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