Saturday, February 26, 2011

How to Use Checkboxes to Control Formulas in Excel

1. Open your Microsoft Excel spreadsheet. Locate the check box that you want to use, if you already have one in place. Alternatively, click 'Developer,' 'Insert,' then click the check box to insert one. Right click the check box and click 'Format Control.' Click the cell button next to 'Cell link,' and designate a cell, then press 'Enter.' Choose a cell in a row or column that doesn't contain any other data as you can hide this row or column if you wish. Click 'OK.'
2. Click the check box, and you will see the words 'TRUE' or 'FALSE' appear in the designated cell. 'FALSE' indicates an unchecked box, and 'TRUE' indicates a checked box.
3. Type '=IF(A1=TRUE,'checked','unchecked')' in the cell where you want to enter your formula.Replace 'A1' with the cell linked to the check box. This cell now responds as you wish to your check box.
4. Replace 'checked' (including quotation marks) with the formula you want to use if the check box is ticked. Replace 'unchecked' with the formula you want to use if the check box is not ticked. You now have a formula that will respond to the check box.

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