Monday, October 21, 2013

How to Create Microsoft Excel Forms

Add Data Forms Command to Quick Access Toolbar
1. Open Excel to a default, blank worksheet. Click the 'Microsoft Office' button at the top left of the screen to open the 'File' menu and then select the “Excel Options” to open a new “Options” window.
2. Select “Customization” from the list on the left side of the window to view commands you can add to the Quick Access toolbar. To make locating the 'Data' Forms command easier, click the drop-down list next to “Choose Commands From” and select “Commands Not on the Ribbon.”
3. Select the “Forms” command from the drop-down list and press the “Add” button to add the command. Click “OK” to commit and return to the blank worksheet. The “Forms” command icon will be on the far right of the Quick Access toolbar.
Prepare the Worksheet
4. Enter column titles. Type “January” in cell A1, and “February” in cell B1, and use AutoFill to fill in the remaining months by selecting cells A1 and B1, then placing the mouse cursor in the lower-right corner of cell B1 until it changes to a “cross” shape. Hold the mouse button and drag across the spreadsheet to cell L1.
5. Set column width by clicking on cell A1 and dragging across to cell L1 to select and highlight cells. Locate the “Cells” section on the “Home” tab of the main menu and click the “Format” drop-down box. Select “Column Width” and set the width to “20” (or whatever width you want the columns to be) and then click “OK” to return to the spreadsheet.
6. Type the number “12” in cell A2 and “4” in cell B2. This step is necessary so Excel can distinguish column headings from the data.
Create the Data Entry Form
7. Place your cursor in the “A” column heading, click to select and drag across the spreadsheet to select all columns.
8. Click the “Form” icon you added to the Quick Access toolbar to create a data entry form that displays as a new window. The data entry form displays the months you entered as column titles.
9. Enter information as necessary to complete the worksheet. To start a new row, click the “New” button and continue entering information. Click “Close” when data entry is complete to return to the completed worksheet.

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