Sunday, October 27, 2013

How to Make an Excel 2007 Spreadsheet

1. Open Microsoft Office Excel 2007.
2. Create an Excel spreadsheet from scratch by selecting the Microsoft Office Button. Click on 'New' and press the 'Enter' key. A blank worksheet will be placed on your screen. The first cell is column A, row 1.
3. Add a heading to the first cell, such as 'Department' and press the 'Tab' key. You can use the 'Enter' key to go down one line or the 'Tab' key to move across your cells.
4. Add another heading to the right of 'Department' (in column B, row 1) called 'Sales' and press the 'Tab' key. Continue adding more information to your heading (in column C, row 1) as needed.
5. Place your cursor in the second row (column A, row 2) and type in a department name below the 'Department' heading, such as 'Marketing' and press the 'Enter' key. Repeat this step to add additional data to your rows (column A, row 3; column A, row 4) until you are finished.
6. Format the numbers to display in a specific format (such as $0.00) for the 'January Sales' column. Select the column heading (B), just above January Sales, to select the entire column.
7. Select the 'Home' tab, go to the 'Cells' group and choose 'Format.'
8. Make sure that the 'Number' tab is selected in the 'Format Cells' dialog box and choose 'Currency' under 'Category.'
9. Accept '2' for the number of decimal places. Then click on 'OK.' Once you have all the information you need, save your Excel 2007 spreadsheet by clicking on the 'Save' button in the 'Quick Access Toolbar' (shortcut: Ctrl S). Name your file and click on 'Save.'

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