Wednesday, August 21, 2013

How to Compute Annual Gross Pay in Excel

1. Open a new Microsoft Excel 2010 spreadsheet.
2. Click in cell 'A1.' Type in the name of the first company from which you received money for the year in question. Press 'Enter' to move to the cell directly beneath this cell.
3. Enter your yearly gross pay for this company, if you know it, or your bi-weekly gross pay if you don't. Ensure that you are entering your gross pay, which is the amount before any taxes are taken out, and not your net pay, which is what you actually take home. Press 'Enter' to move to the next cell underneath this one.
4. Enter the following formula, without quotes: '=(A2/14)*365' if you entered your bi-weekly gross pay in the previous cell. Change '365' to '366' if you are calculating for a leap year. If you entered your yearly pay into the cell, just enter in '=A2.'
5. Click in cell 'B1' and repeat the process for the next source of income. Continue until you have each source of income in its own column.
6. Click in cell 'A4.' Enter the following formula, without quotes: '=sum(3:3).' When you press 'Enter,' the number that appears will be your total gross pay for the year.

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