Monday, August 12, 2013

How to Calculate Range in Excel

1. Open a new worksheet in Microsoft Excel. For the purposes of this article, type a series of numbers into column A, beginning with '1' in cell A1 and ending with '10' in cell A10.
2. Click on cell B1, which should be blank, and type '=MAX(A1:A10)' to find the highest number in the data sample you entered. In this case, it will be 10.
3. Click on cell B2, which is also blank, and type '=MIN(A1:A10)' to find the lowest number in the data sample. In this example, it will be 1.
4. Click on the blank cell B3 and type '=B1-B2' to calculate the range by subtracting the minimum value of your data from the maximum value. In the above example, the range is 9.

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