Tuesday, July 16, 2013

How to Use Two Pointers for Excel's Vlookup Function

1. Input the data into the range of cells you want to reference. For the sake of this example, we'll assume the data is in cells D10 through G15. Make sure the data in cells D10 through D15 are your index values (names of clients, for example).
2. Enter the following formula in cell C1: '=VLOOKUP(A1,D10:G15,B1,FALSE)'
3. Input an index value, matching one of the entries in D10 through D15, in cell A1.
4. Input a number between 1 and 5 in cell B1. Cell C1 will use the index value from A1, and the column number from B1, as two pointers to pull the data from the range you specified in step 1.

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