Monday, July 22, 2013

How to Compare Workbooks

Comparing Numeric Values
1. Open a new workbook, and name it CompareWorkbooks.xls.
2. Look at the values that you want to compare in both workbooks. For example, you may wish to compare cells B2 to F7.
3. In cell B2 (or the upper left cell) of the CompareWorkbooks workbook, insert the formula '=[Workbook1.xls]Sheet1!A1-[Workbook2.xls]Sheet1!A1.' If the Workbooks or sheets are named differently, change the formula as appropriate.
4. Copy the formula from that cell into all of the applicable cells in the CompareWorkbooks workbook. A '0' in a cell means that the cells in the two compared workbooks are identical. A value in the cell represents the difference between the values in the corresponding cells in the compared workbooks.
Comparing Almost Identical Workbooks
5. To compare workbooks that are virtually identical, open a new workbook, and name it CompareWorkbooks.xls.
6. Look at the values that you want to compare in both workbooks. For example, you may wish to compare cells B2 to F7.
7. In cell B2 (or the upper left cell) of the CompareWorkbooks workbook, insert the formula '=IF([Workbook1.xls]Sheet1!A1
[Workbook2.xls]Sheet1!A1,'DIFF VALUE',''). If the Workbooks or sheets are named differently, change the formula as appropriate.
8. Copy the formula from that cell into all of the applicable cells in the CompareWorkbooks workbook. If the words 'DIFF VALUE' appear in a cell, it means that the corresponding cells in the two compared workbooks are different.

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