Sunday, July 14, 2013

How to Filter a List in Microsoft Excel With Limits on the Number of Rows

1. Open the workbook in Excel and click the arrow beside the column header row in the list. Next, proceed to Step 5. Alternately, if you have not yet applied AutoFilter to your list, proceed to Step 2.
2. Select the data you would like to filter. Left-click the mouse and drag it to cover the range of cells.
3. Select 'Data' from the toolbar menu. Next, select 'List' and then click 'Create List.'
4. Check the box 'My list has headers' if applicable. Next, click 'OK.' (Note: If you select this option and your list does not have a header, the first cell in the list will be assigned as the column header cell. If this option is unchecked, the default name 'Column1' will be assigned as the header row.)
5. Right-click the arrow next to the column header row, and then select '(Top 10...).'
6. Click the list box in the middle of the Show region located in the Top 10 AutoFilter dialog box.
7. Type in a number from 1 to 10. Alternately, use the down arrow next to the list box in the middle of the Show region, and scroll to pick your desired number.
8. Select 'Items' in the far right side of the Show region of the Top 10 AutoFilter dialog box, and then click 'OK.' (Note: You can alternatively select 'Percent' instead of 'Items.')
9. Test your AutoFilter list. To do this, click on the arrow next to the column header row, and then click '(Top 10...).'

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