Saturday, July 13, 2013

How to Use Descriptive Statistics in Excel

1. Type your data into the spreadsheet. For example, you might type a list of heights into column A or a list of egg prices in column F.
2. Click on a blank cell in a spreadsheet.
3. Click on the 'Formulas' tab on the Excel toolbar, then click on 'More Functions' in the Function Library. Click on 'Statistical' and then mouse over the function for a description, and if it is the function you need, click on it to open a dialog box for the function. For example, 'Median' returns the median, or the middle number in the data set.
4. Type the location of your data into the text box. For example, if your data is in cells A1 to A3, type 'A1:A3' into the 'Number 1' text box.
5. Click on the 'OK' button. Excel will perform the calculation and return the answer in your chosen cell.

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