1. Open a new Microsoft Excel 2010 spreadsheet. Click on cell 'B1' and type in the name of your first data series. This name will appear in your graph's legend. Then click on cell 'C1' and enter the name for your second data series.
2. Click on cell 'A2' and enter the names that will appear down your 'Y' axis into column 'A.' Continue to enter names until you have added them all.
3. Select cell 'B2' and type in the first data point that falls under the column and row names. Then select cell 'C2' and repeat the process. Continue until you have entered all of your data into columns 'B' and 'C.'
4. Click on cell 'B2.' Select the 'Insert' tab at the top of the screen. Click the 'Bar' button in the Charts area of the ribbon, then click one of the available bar graphs that appears in the pop-up menu. All of the available bar graphs will let you have names on the 'Y' axis and a certain number of data points on the 'X' axis. Once you click the graph type your bar graph will appear in the spreadsheet.
5. Click anywhere on the graph to select it, then select the 'Layout' tab at the top of the window. Click the drop-down arrow next to 'Chart Area' and select 'Horizontal (Value) Axis' from the list of choices. Click the 'Format Selection' button located just under the drop-down box and the Format Axis window will appear.
6. Click the radio button next to 'Fixed' in the 'Maximum' category on the right half of the window. Type the maximum value you want for your data points into the box next to the button. Then click on the 'Fixed' radio button in the 'Major Unit' category. Type in the value exactly one-half as large as your maximum value into this box.
7. Click 'Close' to close the Format Axis window. Your graph will now have the only two data points on the horizontal axis.