Tuesday, November 26, 2013

How to Take the Label 'Sum of' Out of a Pivot Table

1. Click on a cell in the PivotTable in the column from which you want to remove 'Sum of.'
2. Click the 'Options' tab on the toolbar, then click the 'Field Settings' button under the 'Active Field' area of the toolbar. A small window will pop up.
3. Place your cursor in the 'Custom Name' field and erase the 'Sum of' from the name.
4. Move your cursor to the end of what is left and add a space to the name. This is because once you remove the 'Sum of,' the remaining name is that same as a recognized field in the field list, and if you try to make a second field, Excel will give you an error. The extra space lets Excel differentiate between the two names, but they will look the same to anyone who views your PivotTable.

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