Saturday, November 16, 2013

How to Round Up to the Nearest 10 in Excel

1. Open your spreadsheet and click on a cell next to the cell(s) you would like to round up to the nearest 10.
2. Input the formula '=MROUND(Cell Reference Number,10)'. The Cell Reference Number is the number to round to and 10 is the multiple it will round to.
3. Familiarize yourself with the concept of different formulas using MROUND to make your task easier. The following provide examples of the output for putting the following formulas in a cell.=MROUND(7, 10) Rounds 7 to a nearest multiple of 10 (10)
=MROUND(-9, -10) Rounds -9 to a nearest multiple of -10 (-10)
=MROUND(18.5, 10) Rounds 18.5 to a nearest multiple of 10 (20)
4. Download this function if it is not available on your toolbar. On the Tools menu, click 'Add-ins.' Select the 'Analysis TookPak' box and click 'OK.'

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