Monday, November 18, 2013

How to Set Workbook Share Options in Microsoft Excel 2003

1. Open the workbook share menu. Scroll to “Tools” and then click on “Share Workbook.”
2. Set up the workbook to be shared. In the workbook share properties box that opens, check the box labeled as “Allow Changes to More Than One User at a Time.”
3. Set the advanced options. Click on the “Advanced” tab to access these options.
4. Set track changes options. Under the “Track Changes” field, you can set the number of days it tracks changes in the history by clicking on that radial button and using the up and down arrows to set the day limit. Or, you can set it to not track the history by clicking on the “Don’t Keep History Change” radial button.
5. Set update changes options. Under the “Update Changes” field you can have the workbook update changes every time the file is saved by another user. Utilize this feature by clicking on the “When File is Saved” radial button. You can set the workbook to automatically save at various time intervals by clicking on the “Automatically Every” radial button and using the up and down arrows to set the time preferences. This feature also allows users to save changes and see others’ changes.
6. Set conflicting changes between users’ options. Under the “Conflicting Changes Between Users” field you can set Excel to ask you which changes win, or set the options to changes being saved win by selecting the corresponding radial buttons.
7. Set include in personal view options. You can set the workbook to include print settings and filter settings by checking the corresponding boxes.
8. Save the changes. Click on the “OK” button to implement the workbook share options.

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