Saturday, May 18, 2013

How to Create Criteria Ranges in Excel for Database Functions

1. Open the Excel application on your computer that contains the table of database functions that you want to create criteria for.
2. Highlight the range of cells containing numeric data using your mouse. Click on the “Data” tab for Excel 2007 or the “Data” option from the top toolbar menu for Excel 2003.
3. Click on the “Filter” option and the click on the drop-down arrow located in the column header.
4. Move your mouse over the “Number Filters” option and then click on the “Custom Filter” option. The Custom AutoFilter dialog box will appear.
5. Select the number criteria for your ranges by entering the numbers you want to only be included in your criteria range. An example is to enter “25” and “50” for the lowest and highest number.
6. Select the “And” option if you want to filter so that all criteria is true, or click on the “Or” option for the table column or section to be true together or separately. Your criteria will then be created.

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