Tuesday, May 14, 2013

How to Create a Newsletter in Microsoft Office

1. Open Microsoft Word, and select a newsletter template by clicking the drop-down menu File > New Works Template > Tasks. Additional templates may be downloaded from the Microsoft Office Online website.
2. Create a nameplate for your newsletter. Using Word's 'header' is the simplest way to do this. Select View > Header and Footer from the drop-down menu to edit text boxes within the header and footer. Center your newsletter's title and add clip art, if desired, selecting Insert > Picture > Clip Art from the drop-down menu. If the software is available, you may use Copy and Paste to import clip art from Publisher.
3. Add content to your newsletter. Write or solicit articles from family members or co-workers, create a list of upcoming events or feature one-line quotes from members of the team.
4. Create a calendar to import using Excel. Select the Tools drop-down menu, and select CalendarMaker. The calendar may be copied and pasted into your Word newsletter.
5. If the software is available, create a mailing list using InfoPath.
6. Print enough copies for distribution. The easiest and most cost-efficient format for your newsletter is one page, front and back, using black ink.

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