Thursday, March 21, 2013

How to Use Excel to Calculate Coefficient of Variation

1. Enter the data to be analyzed in one column of an Excel spreadsheet.
2. Use the Excel AVERAGE() function to calculate the mean of the data. In a blank cell on the spreadsheet, type '=AVERAGE(' (without quotes) and highlight all of the cells containing the data. Press 'Enter' to see the mean of the data.
3. Use the Excel STDEV() function to calculate the standard deviation of the data. In a second empty cell, type '=STDEV(' (without quotes) and highlight the data. Press 'Enter' to view the standard deviation of the data.
4. Divide the standard deviation by the mean: in a third empty cell, type '=' (without quotes) and click on the cell containing the standard deviation. Type '/' (without quotes) and click on the cell containing the mean. Press 'Enter' to view the coefficient of variation.

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