Thursday, March 28, 2013

How to Calculate Upper Lower Limits With Excel 2007

1. Select a blank cell where you would like to display the minimum or maximum value. If the range of values is all in one contiguous row or column, select a cell below or to the right of it.
2. Click the arrow next to the 'AutoSum' button in the 'Editing' group on the 'Home' tab of the Excel Ribbon.
3. Select 'Max' if you would like to calculate the maximum value or 'Min' if you would like to calculate the minimum value.
4. Select the data you for which you would like to find the minimum and maximum value. If the numbers are in a contiguous column or row, Excel should select them automatically. If they numbers are not in contiguous columns or rows, click on them one by one while holding down the 'Ctrl' key.
5. Press 'Enter.' Excel will calculate the largest or smallest value in a set of numbers.

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