Sunday, January 13, 2013

How to Use Indirect in Excel 2007

1. Start Excel 2007. Open the workbook containing a cell or range to which you refer in another cell.
2. Click inside the cell in which you want to refer to the first cell or range and enter the formula you want to use. For example, if you want cell A2 to contain the sum of cells E4 through E21, enter the formula '=SUM(E4:E2)' into cell A2.
3. Click inside the cell in which you want to indirectly refer to the same cell or range.
4. Click inside the Formula Bar. Type '=Indirect( )' and enter the cell reference containing the reference to the range or cell to which you want to indirectly refer. For example, if you want to refer to the sum of cells E4 through E21, which is entered in cell A2, the formula would be '=INDIRECT($A$2).'
5. Press the 'Enter' key. Save the changes to the worksheet. If you change the reference or contents of cell A2 (or whatever cell to which you are indirectly referring), the cell containing the indirect function will change to reflect the contents of that cell.

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