Sunday, January 27, 2013

How to Set Auto Correct Options in Microsoft Excel 2003

1. Open the auto correct options properties box. To open the auto correct options properties box you will need to scroll to the “Tools” tab on the command bar and select “AutoCorrect Options.”
2. Set the “Auto Correct” tab options. Under this tab you can check the boxes for the features that you would like Auto Correct to perform. You can check or uncheck the following features: correct to initial capitols, capitalize the first letter of sentences, capitalize names of days, correct accidental usage of CAPS keys, and replace text as you type. You can also add commonly mistyped words into the replace text fields, which will tell the program to replace x-word with the proper word.
3. Set the “Auto Format As You Write” tab options. You can check two boxes under this tab: internet and network paths with hyperlinks (which will automatically add links to URLs you type) and include new rows and columns in list (which will add rows and columns as you type).
4. Set the “Smart Tags” tab options. Under this tab you can set the smart tag options you want by checking the corresponding boxes: label date with smart tags (will enable this feature), date (will add proper date format to all dates entered), financial symbol (will add desired financial symbol to all currency entered) and person name (will look up names and email addresses from outlook and implement when recognized).
5. Implement the changes. To implement the changes click on the “Okay” button.

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