Monday, January 21, 2013

How to Create an Excel Formula

1. Start Microsoft Excel and open the file you want to change.
2. Double-click on the cell where you want the total to appear.
3. Press the = key on the keyboard. This tells Excel that you are entering a formula into the cell.
4. Enter the formula, then press Enter. Follow the steps below for an example.
5. Enter an opening parenthesis character: (.
6. Enter a cell name. For example: =(E2.
7. Press the key.
8. Enter another cell name and a closing parenthesis character: ). For example: =(E2 E3).
9. Enter a minus sign and a third cell name. For example: =(E2 E3)-E4.
10. Press the Enter key to accept the formula. The cell will display the sum of the first two cells minus the third cell.

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