Thursday, January 24, 2013

How to Capitalize the First Letter of Names in Excel 2007

1. Right-click on the column header that sits atop the column of names you want to capitalize. Choose 'Insert' from the menu that appears. This creates a new blank column to the left of the names.
2. Select the cell in the new column that is directly to the left of the first name you want to capitalize.
3. Enter this formula into the cell: '=Proper(XX)' without the quote marks, where the 'XX' is the column letter, followed by the row number of the cell directly to the right of the one you are entering the formula into. Press 'Enter' to place the formula into the cell. The capitalized name appears in the cell.
4. Select the cell that you've just entered the formula into. Move your mouse to the bottom-right corner of the cell, where the mouse pointer turns into a plus sign. Click and hold the mouse button, then drag the mouse down the column to the cell that contains the last name you want to capitalize. Release the mouse button and all the capitalized names fill in the empty column.
5. Right-click anywhere in the column that holds the formulas. Choose 'Copy' from the pop-up menu.
6. Select the first cell of the original list of names. Right-click the cell and move your mouse over 'Paste Special.' Select 'Values' from the list of options that appear. All of your original names are now capitalized.
7. Right-click on the column letter above the column that contains the PROPER formulas. Select 'Delete' from the menu.

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