Saturday, August 25, 2012

How to Make an Invoice Using Excel

1. Navigate to the Excel templates website (see References below for link).
2. Select a template option and examine it for relevance to your needs. For example, click on 'Basic Invoice,' 'Sales Invoice,' or 'Service Invoice.' This brings up a window with a 'Download' button. Click on the button to download the template to your computer.
3. Locate the downloaded file on the computer by using Windows Explorer. To run Explorer, click on the 'Windows' button in Windows 7 or Vista or the 'Start' button in Windows XP, then click on 'Run.' Type 'Explorer' into the text box, then click 'OK.'
4. Double-click on the template file. The template will open up in Excel automatically, and you can then tailor the invoice to fit your needs by changing the business name, amount and other categories. When finished customizing the template, save it to the location of your choice on the computer for future use.

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