Friday, August 24, 2012

How to Generate a Random Number in a Range in Excel

1. Start Microsoft Excel 2007, and open an existing spreadsheet from your files or create a new blank spreadsheet into which you want to generate a random number within a range that you designate.
2. Select the cell or multiple cells that you want to generate the random number into. You can use the SHIFT or CTRL keys on your keyboard to select multiple cells at the same time. The cells that random numbers will be generated into will be outlined by a black heavy line.
3. Type '=RANDBETWEEN' (no quotes) into the 'Formula' textbox near the top of the Excel screen.
4. Continue to type the rest of the function that specifies the range you want the random numbers to fall into. '([Bottom],[Top])' (no quotes) should be inserted after '=RANDBETWEEN' (no quotes) with numbers replacing the word 'Bottom' and 'Top.' The 'Bottom' number should be the lowest random number you want to be generated ant the 'Top' number should be the highest number you want to be generated.
5. Press the 'Enter' key on your keyboard if you selected one cell or the 'CTRL ENTER' if you have selected multiple cells. You will now see random numbers have been generated in the range that you have specified.

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