Saturday, November 26, 2011

How to Group and Outline Data in Microsoft Excel 2003

1. Select the data that you wish to group and outline. The fastest way to select data for this operation is by clicking and holding the mouse button as you drag the cursor over the desired data and highlight it; release the mouse button when you are finished and the data will remain highlighted.
2. Access the 'Group and Outline' menu. Scroll to the “Data” tab on the command bar and select “Group and Outline Data.”
3. Group and outline the data. From the submenu that opens, scroll to and select “Group Data.” This will group the data and outline the rows and columns of the data that you just grouped. The outline will appear as a bar above the column letters and row numbers, which has a plus sign and a minus sign on the ends.
4. Hide the data group. Click on either sign--the plus sign reveals data and the minus sign hides data--to hide or show the groups of data.

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