Wednesday, November 16, 2011

How to Convert Integers to Minutes Seconds in Excel

1. Double-click the Microsoft Excel 2010 icon on your computer's desktop with the left mouse button. This will open the program and display a blank spreadsheet.
2. Double-click a cell on the blank spreadsheet that appears after the program opens with the left mouse button. This will place the text cursor into the cell and allow you to enter data.
3. Press the '=' key on your keyboard. This informs Microsoft Excel 2010 that you would like to create an equation in that cell rather than simply display text.
4. Enter the integer you wish to convert to a minutes-and-seconds format using your keyboard.
5. Press the '/' key on your keyboard. This represents the division mathematical function.
6. Type '86400' using your keyboard. This represents the number of seconds in a day.
7. Press the 'Enter' key on your keyboard. This will calculate the equation and convert your integer into a decimal number.
8. Right-click the decimal number calculated in step seven with the right mouse button. This will automatically open a pop-up menu.
9. Single-click the 'Format Cells...' option from the pop-up menu to open the 'Format Cells' screen.
10. Single-click the 'Custom' option listed in the 'Category:' section on the left side of the 'Format Cells' screen with your left mouse button. This will automatically cause the 'Type:' section to appear.
11. Single-click the 'mm:ss' option listed in the 'Type:' section with your left mouse button. This option represents a format of minutes, followed by a colon, then seconds.
12. Single-click the 'Ok' button on the lower-right side of the 'Format Cells' screen. This will close the 'Format Cells' screen and automatically return you to your spreadsheet. The cell you entered data into will now display your integer in a minutes-and-seconds format.

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