Saturday, November 12, 2011

How to Change Default Fonts in Excel

Change the Font Attributes in a Worksheet
1. Select the cell, or group of cells, that you want to format. To select one cell, place the mouse pointer on the cell and click the left mouse button. To select a group of adjacent cells, click on one of the cells and drag the mouse pointer to highlight all the cells in the group.
2. Locate the font box on the tool bar. Click the arrow on the right side of the box to see the drop down menu. The menu contains the various fonts.
3. Change the default font. Use the scroll bar on the right side of the menu to see all the fonts available. Click on a font to select it.
4. Change the font size. Click on the font size box, located on the right side of the font box, to select a new font size. You can also increase the font size with the 'Increase Font Size' button or decrease it with the 'Decrease Font Size' button.
Change the Font Attributes in a Workbook
5. Open the 'Options' dialog box. Click on 'Tools' on the tool bar and select 'Options.' This opens the Options dialog box in which you can change the default attributes of your workbook.
6. Change the default font. Click the 'General' tab and then click the arrow in the 'Standard font' field. Select a new font from the list.
7. Change the font size. Click the 'Size' box and select a new font size.
8. Click 'OK' when you have finished making your changes. You will have to restart Excel in order for the changes to take effect.

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