Friday, October 28, 2011

How to Skip Printing Rows That Have a Cell Value of Zero in MS Excel 2003

1. Open the Excel file you want to print.
2. Select 'Data' from the menu bar, then select 'Filter' and follow the right arrow to select 'AutoFilter' from that menu. Each of your column headings will now have buttons with down arrows next to them.
3. Click on the arrow button in the column that contains zeroes you want to suppress. For example, let's say your spreadsheet lists employee names in column A and the number of hours they worked in column B. You don't want to print any rows where the employee worked zero hours. You would click on the column B arrow.
4. Click on '(Custom...)' from the drop-down box to bring up the Custom AutoFilter setting. In the drop-down box under your column B heading, select 'does not equal' and in the empty drop-down box to the right of it, select '0.'
5. Click 'OK.' Your list is now filtered and rows with zeroes are hidden.
6. Print your document.

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