Thursday, October 13, 2011

How to Insert Identical Information Into Several Excel Worksheets

Setting Up the Workbook
1. Create a new workbook by selecting 'New' from the 'File' menu or clicking the New button on the main toolbar.
2. Insert as many additional pages into the workbook as you need by selecting 'Worksheet' from the 'Insert' menu or right-clicking on a tab and selecting 'Insert' from the pop-up menu.
3. Rename each page to something more meaningful by double-clicking on the tab to highlight the name and typing in the new name or right-clicking and selecting 'Rename' from the pop-up menu.
4. Format each page with titles and column labels as necessary. Use the Copy feature to copy static information from one worksheet to another.
5. Enter the numeric data you need on each worksheet and set up any preliminary calculations for that worksheet.
Inserting the Information
6. Jot down the name of the worksheet and the cell address for each piece of dynamic information you wish to carry from one spreadsheet to another. (If you have only a few cells you wish to carry over, don't bother writing their addresses down first.)
7. Click on the cell in the new worksheet to which you wish to carry the information.
8. Refer to the cell whose contents you wish to copy by entering '=SheetName!An,' replacing 'SheetName' with the actual name of the worksheet you are copying from 'A' with the column letter and 'n' with the row number of its cell. (If the name of the reference worksheet includes spaces, you must enclose the worksheet name in parentheses.)
9. Repeat Step 3 for each cell whose contents you wish to copy into another worksheet. If you are copying the same cell's information into multiple worksheets, use the Copy feature to copy the reference formula into the other worksheets.

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