Sunday, October 16, 2011

How to Disable Hyperlink Warning Messages in Office 2007

1. Creating a system restore point is recommended (See Resources).
2. Click the 'Start' button.
3. Type 'regedit' in the search box. Press 'Enter.'
4. Click 'Continue' if you get a 'User Account Control' window.
5. Press 'F3' on the keyboard to open the 'Find' window.
6. Type 'HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Common' and click 'Find Next.' If this text is not found, press 'ok,' then F3 again. Type 'HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Common' and click 'Find Next.'
7. Look for a sub-key named 'Security'. If this exists, click on it. If not, create it by clicking 'Edit', 'New' and then 'Key.' Type 'Security' and press enter.
8. Click 'Edit,' 'New,' and then 'DWORD' value. Type 'DisableHyperlinkWarning' and click 'Modify'.
9. Select 'Decimal' and type '1' for the value. Click 'OK.'
10. Close the registry editor and reboot the computer.

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