Wednesday, March 20, 2013

How to Convert MS Excel Files to PDF

1. Open the MS Excel file that contains your document.
2. Ensure that the 'Print Area' has been properly defined. Go to 'Page Layout,' click 'Print Area' and finally, select 'Set Print Area' from the main menu. You will see a dotted line that represents the selected print area.
3. Select 'File' then 'Print' from the main menu. The 'Print and Printer' selection menu appears.
4. Select 'Adobe PDF' from the Printer drop-down selection.
5. Click 'Print'. The 'Save PDF File As' dialog window appears.
6. Navigate to the directory where you wish to save your PDF files and click the 'Save' button. The Adobe PDF progress bar appears and the PDF file is now created.
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How to Change Ribbons in Excel 2007

1. Open Excel 2007.
2. Click on one of the following tabs: 'Insert,' 'Page Layout,' 'Formulas,' 'Data,' 'Review' or 'View.' If you previously placed a check in the Excel Options box labeled 'Show Developer tab in the Ribbon,' the rightmost tab you will see is the 'Developer' tab.
3. Click on 'Home' to return to the 'Home' Ribbon.
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Tuesday, March 19, 2013

How to Use Freeze Frames in Excel

1. Open an Excel spreadsheet with some data.
2. Choose which rows and/or columns to freeze. To freeze rows only, select the row immediately beneath the row or rows you want to remain visible. To freeze columns only, select the column immediately to the right of the column or columns you want to remain visible. To select both rows and columns, select the cell immediately below and to the right of the row and column you want to remain visible.
3. Click the 'Window' menu in Excel 2003. Click the 'View' tab in Excel 2007/2010.
4. Click 'Freeze Panes' in Excel 2003 to complete the process. Click the 'Freeze Panes' option with the down arrow and continue to the next step in Excel 2007/2010.
5. Select 'Freeze Panes' from the drop-down menu in Excel 2007/2010 to complete the process.
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How to Dock Windows in Excel Visual Basic Editor

1. Open Excel and then open VBA. The shortcut to opening VBA is 'ALT F11.'
2. Select the 'Tools' menu then select 'Options.'
3. In the dialog box, click on the 'Docking' tab. Make sure all the boxes are check on this tab, then click 'OK.'
4. The toolbar windows can be docked simply by moving them towards a side of the window pane. The code windows can be docked by double clicking on the header or clicking on the 'Maximize' button in the upper right corner. The code windows are undocked by selecting the greyed 'Restore Window' button in the upper right corner. Code windows can be alternated between by using 'CTRL Tab.'
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How to Set the Number of Decimal Places to Appear in a Microsoft Access Table Field

1. Open your table in Design view.
2. Create a Number or Currency field, or click in a Number or Currency field that already exists.
3. Click on the General tab in the Field Properties box at the bottom of the screen.
4. Click in Decimal Places. A small arrow appears on the right side of the text box.
5. Click on the arrow to produce a menu of choices.
6. Select the number of digits to appear to the right of the decimal place.
7. Save your table.
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Monday, March 18, 2013

How to Set Up a Spread Sheet for Profit Loss in a Small Business

1. Open Microsoft Excel and locate the template gallery.To find the template gallery in Excel 2003, select 'File' and 'New.' Using the right task pane, locate the templates search box. Type 'profit loss statement.' You will see all of the available templates. Download the profit loss statement.To find the template gallery in Excel 2007, select the 'Office' button and select 'New.' Using your search box, type 'profit loss statement.' You will see a list of matching templates. Download the profit loss statement.
2. Customize the Excel template to your business needs. Since this statement is a comparison of your business performance during different time periods, decide how often you want to generate this report.Open the template and enter the company name, time frame and date of the report.Adjust the sale revenue and cost of sales section by adding products or services that your company sells. This may require you to add or delete rows.To add products and services, type over the generic products and services included in the template. If you need additional rows for more products and services, right click on an existing product row number and select “Insert.” To delete a products and services row, right click on the existing product row and select “Delete.”
3. Adjust your operating expenses section. Add or remove any expenses that do not apply to your business. Clarify the taxes section to reflect the taxes you are responsible for.To adjust add additional expenses, type over the generic expenses. If you need additional expense rows, right click on the row number and select “Insert.” To remove an expense row, right click on the row number and select “Delete.”
4. Save your changes in Excel 2003 by selecting “File” and “Save As.” Type in a name for your template and change your Save As Type to “Template.”Save your changes in Excel 2007 by selecting the “Office” button. Select “Save As” and then select “Other Formats.” Type in a name for your template and change the Save As Type to “Template.'
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How to Solve Probability Equations With Excel

1. Click the 'Fx' button just under the ribbon.
2. Select the down arrow to the right of 'Or select a category.'
3. Select the type of probability equation you want to solve from the 'Select a function' list. There are dozens of functions to choose from, including NORMSINV, which returns the inverse of the standard normal cumulative distribution and PERMUT, which returns the number of permutations possible from a given number of objects.
4. Follow the directions in the pop-up window to input the data necessary to solve the probability equations. Some functions, like the COMBIN function, ask you to type the data directly into the window. Other statistical functions may require you to input the data into the spreadsheet.
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Sunday, March 17, 2013

How to Make a Data Table in WordPad

1. Click the “Start” button or press the “Windows” button. The Start menu appears.
2. Type “WordPad” in the Search text box. Search results appear.
3. Click “WordPad.” A blank WordPad document screen appears.
4. Click the “Home” tab on the Ribbon.
5. Click on the document screen where you wish to set the table.
6. Click the “Insert Object” button in the Insert group. The Insert Object dialog box opens.
7. Click the “Create New” radio button.
8. Select the “Microsoft Excel Worksheet” program in the Object Type text box.
9. Click “OK.” The Insert Object dialog window closes. A Microsoft Excel worksheet appears.
10. Type the values in the Excel worksheet. Another option includes inserting an Excel table in the Excel worksheet. Click the “Insert” tab on the Excel Ribbon. Click and drag the cursor on the Excel worksheet to select and highlight the rows and columns for the data table. Click the “Table” button in the Tables group. A table appears in the Excel worksheet. Type the values in the table on the Excel worksheet.
11. Click the “X” or “Close” button of the Excel screen. Close the Excel worksheet to copy the data values to the WordPad document.
12. Save this WordPad document.
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How to Add Two Cells in Excel 2003

1. Open Excel. You should be able to locate the program by using your 'Start' button. When you cannot find it there, use your 'Search' or 'Find' function.
2. Determine which cells you would like to add. Click on the cell where you want your total to appear.
3. Enter an equal sign, followed by the word SUM, begin parenthesis, the column and row of your first cell, comma, then the column and row of your second cell and end parenthesis. For example =SUM(A2,B6).
4. Appearing in the cell will be the sum of the two cells. Your equation will appear in the formula bar.
5. Delete the answer if you do not want it to show by highlighting the cell and pressing the 'Delete' button on your keyboard.
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How to Convert Labels to Avery 5160

1. Open Word 2010 and select the 'Mailing' tab. Click the 'Start Mail Merge' wizard. Click 'Labels.' The label dialog box appears. Select 'Avery' in the vendor list and locate the 5160 labels. Click 'OK.'
2. Click the 'Select Recipients' button. Select 'Use Existing List.' Browse the computer and locate the Excel workbook containing the label information. Select the workbook and click the 'Open' button. The table dialog box appears. Select the worksheet that contains the label data. Click 'OK.'
3. Click the 'Insert Mail Merge' button. A drop-down list appears. Select a field from the list. Click the 'Preview Results' button to preview the label changes. Click 'Update Labels' to apply the new changes to all of the labels.
4. Click 'Finish Merge' to finalize the mail merge process. Select 'Edit Individual Documents.' Click 'All.'
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How to Align Text in Cells in Excel 2003

1. Open your Excel worksheet.
2. Select the cells containing the text you wish to align. To select, click on each cell individually while holding down the 'Ctrl' key or drag your mouse across the cells.
3. Click 'Format' on the top menu to see the dropdown list of formatting options.
4. Select 'Cells.' A new window will appear with cell formatting options.
5. Click the 'Alignment' tab to study options for aligning the text in your cells.
6. Select the appropriate text alignment features.
7. Click 'OK' to implement your changes. Then save your work.
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How to Unhide Columns in Microsoft Excel 2003

1. Highlight the columns that house the hidden columns. To unhide a column, left-click and hold with the mouse on the column letter to the left of the hidden column. Then drag the mouse cursor over that column letter and the one directly to the right of it, highlighting both the columns that sit adjacent to the hidden column.
2. Access the column's Properties menu to unhide. Once you have highlighted the columns, right-click on them to access the submenu.
3. Unhide the column. To unhide the column, scroll to “Unhide” and left-click.
4. Save any changes. To quickly save any modifications to your spreadsheet simply press the hotkeys “CTRL-S.” This will save your file.
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Saturday, March 16, 2013

How to Make a Budget on Excel 2007

1. Open Microsoft Excel 2007. Select the 'Office' button and click 'New.' In the 'New Workbook' dialog box, click on the 'Installed Templates' or 'Budget' group to find budget templates that are inbuilt into Excel.
2. Pick a template that works for you. Hit the 'Create' button to use the template.
3. Check out the data and structure of your template. Type in your monthly expenses by selecting the applicable cell and entering the correct data into the cell. Remove any data you don't need by selecting the applicable cell and hitting the delete key or deleting the entire row.
4. Change the monthly income to match your income. The budget will automatically deduct your expenses from the income column.
5. Save your newly created budget by clicking the 'Office' button and choosing 'Save.' Name your file in the 'Save As' dialog box and hit 'Save.' You may reuse the budget for upcoming months and re-save your file by clicking the 'Office' button and choosing the 'Save As' option.
Make a Budget on Excel 2007 from Scratch
6. Open Microsoft Excel 2007.
7. Create columns for your expenses, their projected cost and actual cost in your blank worksheet. Then place your expenses under each header.
Expense: Electricity
Projected Cost: 75
Actual Cost: 70
8. Enter all the expenses for each bill. Then place your cursor in the blank row just after the last entry of your 'Actual Cost' column. Use Excel's inbuilt formula to calculate the total for your monthly cost by clicking the 'AutoSum' button. Excel will highlight the cells that are being calculated in the 'Actual Cost' column. Hit 'Enter' to accept the calculations.
9. Create columns for your income and balance. Then enter your information under each header.
Income: 3480
Balance: (calculated automatically)
10. Calculate your balance for the month by selecting the blank cell below or beside the 'Balance' column and typing an '=' sign (no quotes) in the formula bar. Then click on the cell that includes your income and type a '-' sign (no quotes) in the formula bar. Click on the cell that includes your 'Actual Cost' total and hit 'Enter.' Your balance will now appear in the empty cell beside/under 'Balance.'
11. Double-check that your figures are correct and save your file (by selecting the 'Office' button and hitting 'Save.' Your Excel 2007 budget is now complete.
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How to Sort Columns by Date in Excel

1. Click on the columns you would like to sort. For example, if you want to sort column A, click on the 'A' column header to highlight the entire column.
2. Click on the 'Data' tab, then click on 'Sort.' This will open the sort dialog box.
3. Click on the 'Continue With the Current Selection' radio button, then click on 'Sort.'
4. Click on the arrow underneath 'Order' and select either 'Newest to Oldest' or 'Oldest to Newest' depending on which way you want to sort the dates.
5. Make sure the 'Sort on' selection box reads 'Values,' then click on 'OK.' Excel will sort the column according to date.
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How to Create Input Forms in Excel 2003

1. Open the file you want to modify in Excel 2003. If you have multiple worksheets, go to the worksheet you want to edit.
2. Add column headings to the first row of the spreadsheet. To insert a row, click on the row header for the first row. Right-click and select 'Insert.'
3. Go to cell 'A1' and type a heading for that column. Press the 'Tab' key to advance to the next column.
4. Add column headings to the remaining columns on the worksheet.
5. Highlight the content you want to include in the input form, such as the column headings and any existing content in the spreadsheet.
6. Select 'Data' and 'Form' from the toolbar. If Excel displays a message box, click 'OK' to use the first row for labels. A dialog box for the input form you've created opens.
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