Thursday, July 19, 2012

How to Keep Track of Changes in Excel 2003

1. Open Excel from the Start menu on your toolbar.
2. Open the file for which you'd like to track changes.
3. Go to Tools > Track Changes.
4. If you want to see the changes while you are editing, select 'Highlight Changes.' Then select the boxes labeled 'Track Changes While Editing' and 'Highlight Changes on Screen.' When making a lot of changes, you might not want this option on because it can be distracting.
5. Decide who gets to make changes on your worksheet. Select the 'Who' tab and choose the users who can make changes. If you choose 'Everyone,' your file will be shared on the network.
6. Select the 'When' option to decide when changes are tracked. The most popular is option is 'All.'
7. Click 'OK' to save your options.

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