Sunday, December 18, 2011

How to Make a Line Graph That Compares Two Things in Excel

1. Open a new Microsoft Excel 2010 spreadsheet.
2. Click on cell 'B1.' Enter the name of the first set of data you want to include in your graph. This name will appear as a label next to the line on the graph. Click on cell 'C1' and do the same for the second set of data.
3. Click on cell 'A2.' Enter the X-axis labels into the cells in this column. While the 'Y-axis' in a line graph is always numerical, the X-axis can display numbers, dates, times or even text.
4. Enter your data into the cells just under the headers in columns 'B' and 'C.'
5. Click any cell in your data table. Select the 'Insert' tab at the top of the screen. Click the 'Line' button under 'Charts' and choose one of the line chart types. You can choose a regular line chart, on which each line is plotted based on its value; a stacked line chart, on which the second data set is added to the first; and a 100 percent stacked chart, on which each line is plotted as a percentage of the sum of the lines. Click your selection to create the chart. Excel automatically colors the lines differently to provide contrast between the two data sets.

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