Tuesday, December 20, 2011

How to Convert Phone Numbers in MS Excel

1. Open Microsoft Excel. Open the file you’d like to work on by going to “File”, then “Open,” or begin a new workbook using the blank workbook that opens by default.
2. Select the cell that has the numbers typed to be converted to a phone number format. If you have multiple cells that need to be converted, select them all by holding the left mouse button and dragging the mouse.
3. Locate the “Format” option on the toolbar and click once. This will bring up a drop-down menu. Click on “Cells” to bring up a formatting box. You can also pres “Ctrl” “1” to bring up the box.
4. Click “Special” on the “format cells” box. This will bring up four options on the right-hand side, click on “Phone Number” and then click “OK.” This will close the box and format the number to the correctly display in phone number format.

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